Moruga garden photos

Camera sucks but it is what I could afford.  This year's moruga garden.  About zero weeds in the garden itself.  It is bordered on two sides with a fence that is covered in blackberry plants.  I have not weeded the blackberry, so it kind of looks like a border of weeds.  Some leaf munching bug bites, but considering we are all organic I think they are doing very well in that department.  I mainly use a pepper infusion on my foliage to deter the bugs, but keeping poultry helps with bugs on the ground and lower branches.


The smaller ones in the back are the ones that frost just about killed.  Instead of killing them, it just delayed their growth.  I was amazed.
Thank you all for the compliments.  This year was a particular tough one getting things into the ground and keeping up with them.
Genetikx, the style is called cheap bastard.  The hay is left overs from the goats and those stakes are from a tobacco farm that has been growing corn for the last 10 years;.  We poo folk here in the hills.
ajdrew said:
Genetikx, the style is called cheap bastard.  The hay is left overs from the goats and those stakes are from a tobacco farm that has been growing corn for the last 10 years;.  We poo folk here in the hills.
Wait a sec... You're "poo" folk or "poor" folk? One, i can identify with. The other... Meh, not so much lol
Genetikx, I get in trouble when I get emotional on this forum.  But ye, the hippie dippy organic thing is part of the lifestyle and I would die to have to give it up.

Brutaldiver, both kind of.  Poor folk use poo.  It is actually kind of funny to note that organic produce fetches a higher price.  But yep, we fertilize with aged barn and pond scrapings.
ajdrew said:
Genetikx, I get in trouble when I get emotional on this forum.  But ye, the hippie dippy organic thing is part of the lifestyle and I would die to have to give it up.

Brutaldiver, both kind of.  Poor folk use poo.  It is actually kind of funny to note that organic produce fetches a higher price.  But yep, we fertilize with aged barn and pond scrapings.
I hear ya & get ya.
Wish our poultry were helpful to my pepper grows lol. I had to put up a fence, damn chickens finally discovered my pods and ate them. Set me back weeks. That wasnt long after I set me back from rushing my hardening and fried them. Should have known better. Put them outside one nice day and went to the RC track for some racin. Wasnt pretty when I got home lol. Just now getting back to ripe pods
Lordhill, our peking duck dont bother a thing.  Our muscovy have to go up when we start getting fruit.  Damn things will eat cucumbers and zucchini in half.  Have heard many people say the same thing about chicken.  I -think- the chicken can not see the peppers threw the foliage until they are ripe.  When things get red, I do tend to put them up if they get more than a pod or two here and there.  Usually, not much damage at all though.  That and lots of peppers but not many chicken.