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Moruga Welders 2017 Grow

Welcome my Friends ! I didn't think i'd be planting this year , due to extensive shoulder surgery in Nov. , 
but Thanks to my P.T. & T.H.P. friends support  , I'm feeling it ! 
So sit back & Hope you enjoy the ride , 
Best of Luck to all !  And so it begins , 
randyp said:
Frank things are heating up.Love to see the pods turning for you.Im watching the first ripes for next year's seed start if they are good Lookers.In your part of the state do they grow lots of corn and soybeans?
Thanks Randy ,  yeah lots of fields of corn and soy beans . 
Good Morning All !  Just enjoying a stroll through the garden coffee in hand enjoying the simple life ,     :party:
Got a couple of pics ,
Pumpkin BBG where the Calyx is bleeding first , pretty cool , where the others are turning first then the Calyxs ,
, attachment=51426:HPIM3142.JPG],
a few Scotchbrains , Neyde x BBG , and lastly Jonahs Yellowbrain ,


Thanks for looking my friends !     :party:


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Thanks bro !  no i didn't between my shoulder surgery and not knowing whether i was going to move enough to plant this winter I plumb forgot ,   :mope: will plan some next yr.  Yes I love the Pumpkin BBG's gonna grow lots more next season ! 
FreeportBum said:
Hello my friend everything is looking great, love those pumpkin bbg's.  Are you growing any of the seeds I sent you this year? sorry if I missed them, cheers.
Thanks Adam , i would do some extras , haven't got to the bigger pods to tell what the seed count may average . Got some really huge pods ( Yellow Jonahbrains )  waiting to ripen 
Bhuter said:
Very nice, Frank! All beautiful pods! I love the shape of the Yellow Jonahbrains. You do great work!

Does the Pumpkin BBG have a good amount of seeds in it? Just wondering because I'm isolating a couple flowers and would like to know if I should do more.

Time for a good burn, my friend!
Thanks Scott ,  yeah those babies got a really good    :flamethrower: to them . Would you like some seeds ? 
Devv said:
Nice Frank!
Glad to see a few hitting the table ;)
Have you tried the ScotchBrain yet? I was wondering how the heat is with your pheno. Mine was pretty tame, but a nice pepper..
I love their looks , got a great burn and gonna make a greater powder Thanks to you sharing some seeds  !  The Scotchbrains have more heat like a brain , but nice pods , would you like a few seeds from these guys too ? be glad to hook you up . . Hows your Pumpkin s doing ?  Hopefully pudding for you . 
OCD Chilehead said:
Looking freaking fantastic!

The BBG Pumkin is really that good? Now I really can't wait!

Scotchbrain looks tasty. Hopefully I get enough to make sauce. The ones I got from Justin last year where really good.
How is the rehab going, Frank? You should be trying to scratch the back of your head from the butt-wiping position about now. Thrown a baseball lately? I bet you have....

Great grow, dewd. You got me thinking towards next season already.