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I went in my garage yesterday to sort through a couple of boxes too see what I could yard sale, what I could toss, and what I should clean up and bring in.
First I pull out a box of tools, keep, keep, sell, sell... Got another BIG box.... Was that scurrying I heard inside? :think: I was carrying it on my shoulder.
Nah! Must have been the dirt on top sliding off.
So I plop it down outside. Hmm there is a small hole chewed in top, but theres lots of that in this garage, doesnt mean theres anything in there. So I open it up.
Hmm, oh yeah I remember this stuff, havent missed it for 5 years it can go in a yard sale, better test the electric stuff. Wipe the dust off..... About 1/2 way down into it. YIKES!! :shocked: Something ran across the bottom of the box!! OK, calm down, its just a scared little gray mouse, he's more scared than you.{poor guy looked petrified}. I pull more stuff out carefully, just in case he has any friends hiding in there, and YIKES!! A second one!!
So everything is out but the electric buffet tray/griddle on the bottom, I know they're under there. So I slowly tip the box on its side to free the Willys. 1 runs past me towards the garden, zip! Which gives me the heeby jeebys. 'Dont run up my leg!' and Yikes! I have flip flops on 'dont crawl over my toes.' The second guy kept trying to hide in the box, he finally figures I'm not letting him stay, and he zips around the box back into the garage! Darn! So I look inside and there are 2 more! #3 runs headlong into the side of the garage, then around back, #4 runs out towards me!!! Eeeeek! I didn't see where he went. A few minutes later Willy #1 comes running across the yard past me and into the garage. Great, :doh: now I'm going to have to check every box for mice.
I heard them in there clunking around all afternoon. I think they were building something. Or planning an attack on me. :confused:
I'm just glad they didn't climb out of the top while it was on my shoulder. You all would have heard me screaming if there were 4 mice on my head!!
lol, mice are so cute and nice, it's rats that are more of a "pest" than anything. Try to caputre them and drive a ways then release them into the wild. I once had a mouse for 3 years, called him "Hannable".

The other day I was driving back from my friends house and I thought I saw a mouse run under the passenger seat of my car. I went home and checked...no mouse. It still hasen't shown up yet so I think it was just the pop I smoked and all that beer I had drunken....go figure...
You were driving home drunk and smoking someone's pop?Whose pop did you smoke?;)

If you are so messed up that you see imaginary mice, you probably shouldn't be behind the wheel.
cheezydemon said:
You were driving home drunk and smoking someone's pop?Whose pop did you smoke?;)

If you are so messed up that you see imaginary mice, you probably shouldn't be behind the wheel.

LOL, pot, I ment pot.

I generally see things out of the corner of my eyes, pot or no pot. But I wasn't drunk. I never drive drunk. Well, I actually drove drunk once, but never again. I make sure I am sober enough to drive. Plus I only had to drive three blocks and it was 2 am.
Rats, mice...they are all vermin that carry disease like the Hantavirus, no matter how "cute" they are. When they live in your house they must be exterminated. If you think they are cute then they can be kept as pets. I've had several rats as pets. They make great pets if you get them when they're young. Smart little critters, they are.
I remember when I had a field mouse in a duplex I used to own years back..My neighbors had cats so the mouse ended up on our side...I tried traps with cheese with no luck at all..My grandfather alive at the time told me to try peanut butter on the trap..I said shure and tried..Within 2 hours the trap went off and no more mouse.I never thought a mouse liked peanut butter I was always told to use cheese...go figure
I remember seeing mice plagues in the '80's on relative's farms. You dont really have a problem until you can fill half a 10 gal drum with the buggers in a night. This was achieved by leaning a plank up against the barrel, greasing the insides with axle grease and then placing a piece of meat in the centre greased in lard and half filling with water. Mouse climbs board, jumps onto meat..... enough said.

cheezydemon said:
I remember seeing on the croc hunter absolute plagues of mice ruining farmers stored grains in Australia.

I saw a show on that too. Yikes. And Yuck.

Yeah, peanut butter is what to bait those snap traps with. They can't steal it like they can a piece of cheese. Put it on a little piecce of cardboard and make sure it's secure. When they try to grab it and run, SNAP!, ya got 'em.
rainbowberry said:
I was always told that mice don't actually like cheese. We think they do from Tom and Jerry.

True! That's an urban legend. They'd probably eat it if nothing else is in sight, but it's far from being their fave!

I could never kill a mouse, they're sooooo cute! I may sound like a weenie (shut up, Omri!), but I admit it!
Chiliac said:
True! That's an urban legend. They'd probably eat it if nothing else is in sight, but it's far from being their fave!

I could never kill a mouse, they're sooooo cute! I may sound like a weenie (shut up, Omri!), but I admit it!

Have you ever lived in a house with a rodent infestation? It might change your mind about offing the little devils.
No, I haven't! We had one mice that accidently (really, it was obvious!) into our cellar when I was a kid and I caught it and carried it into the woods in a shoe box, I guess that stigmatized me the same way the infested house has...