seeds mushroom or seedling?

Time for everybody's favorite game show! Mushroom! Or! Seedling!
Ok so I seriously thought this was a mushroom popping up in my reaper cup, then I saw a glog where his sprouts looked similar. Just want to be sure because I havent grown super hots from seed before.
Here we go

Haha,  :high: I'm no expert on mushrooms so not quite sure. So unless you bought the "plugs" to grow a specific type mushroom, I don't think it's special.  I really don't know however.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
It's not hurting anything. Pulling it won't really change anything anyway, since the mycelium will still be present throughout the soil. If I were you, I'd just leave it. Consider it a gold star - evidence that you have life in your soil.
Well +1 to MG seed starter then! Lol I had my doubts about it after bland performance from it's potting mix, but the ingredients in the starter are similar to most starter mixes so I gave it a shot.
Guess I'll leave my little gold star for now and put it in my glog later
I haven't yet actually, I got so many packages lately just haven't gotten around to it. I'm gunna try to get them going this weekend. He was kind enough to send some SB7J seeds, Reapers and some others. Got my first SB7J sprout yesterday, so that's exciting.
ThePepperTrent said:
I haven't yet actually, I got so many packages lately just haven't gotten around to it. I'm gunna try to get them going this weekend. He was kind enough to send some SB7J seeds, Reapers and some others. Got my first SB7J sprout yesterday, so that's exciting.
Same here, I'm going to give them their own section as soon aS I get the rest of my packages in. He added sb7j, reaper and yellow primo to mine. This mushroom is in the reaper cup. I was lightly digging yesterday and saw the root pushing out in all cups so should get sprouts pretty soon