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condiment My Favorite Homemade Salsa

I never measure anything, so my typical batch of (daily use) salsa never tastes exactly the same - but it's always close. I use tomatoes & peppers from my garden & onions, garlic & cilantro supplied by my local produce stand (not a grocery store) - maybe next year I'll try growing the other items. I blanch my tomatoes & eliminate the skin, & then just add each ingredient "to taste" & let 'er rip. Mmmmmm..... :drooling:

The batch I made yesterday afternoon has nw had adequate time to meld flavors, so I'll probably adjust it when I get home - I'm thinking of adding one of my (newly-picked) Carribean Reds to the batch to make it nice & fiery (the wife doesn't like it too hot, so there's more for me this way...LOL).

Just ain't nothing like an afternoon snack of chips & salsa to kick off the evening.
It all sounds good! This year we're going to try to make a mini roaster thing (like they roast the green chiles in) but failing that we're going to smoke some on the grill... Zeeky, cilantro is very easy to grow but it likes somewhat cooler weather.... not COLD or frosty but if it's growing in cooler temps and then suddenly gets warm it bolts and makes seeds (which is edible, coriander.) but then the plant dies after that.... or try planting in partial shade, it likes that too. lol..hard to explain but it took me a few years to fine tune the gardening. Like peppers and tomatoes like it warm, period. SOme crops are somewhere in between, not too hot and not too cold... I always thought of cilantro as 'warm' crop, and for the most part it is, it just doesn't like blazing heat or sun.... I hope some of that made sense..LOL!!! Garlic planting time is almost here.... fall planted garlic is the best. I space my cloves 2" apart in all directions in the bed. Grows and gives the same as further apart planted ones and saves space. The only onions I have ever been successful with are green onions so I can't really comment on those. LOL!!!