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my first hot sauce making.

hi there

this is my first hot sauce that i made which i posted here. i am wondering if i need to add or do something more to the sauce.


here is what i did. about 1/2 kilos of indonesian tabasco peppers , lots of calamansi limes ,5 cloves of garlic ,apple cider vinegar & salt
i blended the peppers with calamansi lime juice(more than 15 fruits) which i freshly extracted with 5 cloves of garlic. added salt and cider vinegar during half way of blending.
Did you cook it? How's the taste/heat? It sounds like it would have a strong citrus flavor. Maybe use it as a marinade for fish?
I did not cook it. just blend it.well it does not over power the tabasco taste. the heat is still there. the flavor is a blend of citrus flavor and a little hint of garlic. :) i eat it with my food.
the peppers used are not all red yet , if fact most of it are still white

I like those ingrediants and would drink that sauce down! :D
hehehe :) its not watery . its still a rough grind. :) but you are welcome to try. lol :hell:

i was thinking to add my bhut jolokia jorhat in there(got abt 7 pods hanging on the plant). but then i think after that i would have to finish that whole sauce myself as nobody else would touch it . hahahaha
I believe many will argue it's not your first sauce because it is not cooked. It is a well blended salsa puree.

Looks great, Mike
thanks Mike.
so i need to cook it for it to be a sauce ? do i need to reduce it more to a paste as its already thick? or should i add water then reduce back ?
i need some input in making sauce.. :)
Work on the color. And yeah, think of hot sauce like pasta sauce, or any other sauce you cook. For pasta sauce you cook the tomatoes and other ingredients, right? Chopped peppers is more like a salsa. I'm sure the color will improve once you cook it and get everything right.
Work on the color. And yeah, think of hot sauce like pasta sauce, or any other sauce you cook. For pasta sauce you cook the tomatoes and other ingredients, right? Chopped peppers is more like a salsa. I'm sure the color will improve once you cook it and get everything right.
Thanks Dan.
hmm about the colour.. yup need some improvement. hehe.
Hey Srin,
if your looking for a type of sambal where you don't have to cook it, then try this (yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy);

Sambal Matah.... (it's a raw sambal that goes well with fish or if you saute it you can use on pork)
15 shallots, peeled, cut in half and finely sliced
5 cloves garlic, cut in half & sliced
15 small sliced bird's eye chilies
5 kafir lime leaves chopped very fine
1 tsp roasted shrimp cake (terasi), finely grated
3 stalks lemon grass, bruised and very finely sliced
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp ground black pepper
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
50 ml coconut oil

1. Combine above ingredients in deep bowl and mix well for 5 minutes.
2. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Note: If you sauté finished sauce for two minutes over medium to high heat will enhance the beautiful flavor of this sambal
Hey Srin,
if your looking for a type of sambal where you don't have to cook it, then try this (yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy);

Sambal Matah.... (it's a raw sambal that goes well with fish or if you saute it you can use on pork)
15 shallots, peeled, cut in half and finely sliced
5 cloves garlic, cut in half & sliced
15 small sliced bird's eye chilies
5 kafir lime leaves chopped very fine
1 tsp roasted shrimp cake (terasi), finely grated
3 stalks lemon grass, bruised and very finely sliced
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp ground black pepper
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
50 ml coconut oil

1. Combine above ingredients in deep bowl and mix well for 5 minutes.
2. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Note: If you sauté finished sauce for two minutes over medium to high heat will enhance the beautiful flavor of this sambal
thanks Grant :)
the recipe is similar to Sambal Belacan. :) which is has a version that is not cooked.
sri, i still have no idea how to roast shrimp paste. Which one do I roast? the cooked bottled ones or the raw paste from the market?
Erwin, get the raw paste ,depends how you get it,a flat thin piece or a square block. Make you got a thin piece then roast it over fire till it harden and after that pound it to powder. Use it when you are frying your onions.
ok this is my second attempt at making the hot sauce.. this time using even hotter peppers.! Assam bhuts. what an experience! this is that i put in the mesh which i blended. after that i cooked it about 25 minutes added some apple cider vinegar ,salt and olive oil.


after cooking it and cooling it.


while blending the mesh i got some splash on to my forehead, hands and arms..!!! crazy burn!! felt it for about 4 hours. my finger nails are still burning the next day. ( on and off). While cooking , the fumes were choking! had to bring in a stand fan to blow air out of the kitchen. my body was having burning sensation all over.. hehehe took shower twice! lucky when i was cooking nobody was around. :) hehehe