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My First Hot Sauce

I`ve called this one "Mutt Sauce" as it has lots of varieties of peppers in it. Some are mine, some from Ajijoe. Thanks Joe!!!
1lb peppers (including, Bhut Jolokia, 7-pot red, White Habanero, Chocolate Scotch bonnet, Aji pineapple, Red and Yellow Fatalii, Caribbean Red Habanero, Chocolate Scorpion and a couple others I can`t remember at the moment)
1 1/2 cups white vinegar
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons liquid separated from live yogurt
Peppers were pureed in a blender with a few tablespoons of water. Both salt and yogurt liquid were added and the mix stirred to combine well. 
Put this in a sterile 1 quart jar, put the lid on, but didn`t screw it down. Put the jar at 75°F for 48 hours, where bubbles can be seen throughout the mixture within 2 hours of starting. I`m not sure about the ultra short ferment, then addition of the vinegar, but the recipe I found at Epicurious.com did it this way, so i guess start simple is a good mantra.
Here it is after 48 hours and vinegar addition.

Very interesting Nigel. Does the yogurt speed up the fermentation process? This might be the answer to making my wife her Tabasco sauce with out waiting six months.
SL3 said:
Very interesting Nigel. Does the yogurt speed up the fermentation process? This might be the answer to making my wife her Tabasco sauce with out waiting six months.
It gives you a big head start and adding the live Lactobacillus sp. bacteria by the millions stops stray bacteria that will be in there from growing, purely by competition. It won`t really speed up the fermentation process overall. You have to separate the yogurt from the liquid, which is easy to do with cheese cloth. 
MeatHead1313 said:
Sauce looks great! I've never fermented a sauce before. Does even a 48 hour ferment change the flavour more than a non-fermented sauce? 
As this is my first sauce, I honestly don`t know. My expectation is that it will just break down the peppers a little and aid flavor development, but that is purely guesswork. The recipe says "after addition of vinegar, leave for 1-7 days and taste every day. The flavor will deepen over this time period" Ill taste it for the first time tomorrow. 
looking good Nigel your welcome and im glad you put the peppers I sent you to good use
stay in touch let us know how it is
oh by the way have you tried the last one I sent and if so whatcha think??
thanks your friend joe
Joe, your garlic thai sauce is spectacular! 
ajijoe said:
looking good Nigel your welcome and im glad you put the peppers I sent you to good use
stay in touch let us know how it is
oh by the way have you tried the last one I sent and if so whatcha think??
thanks your friend joe
Joe, your garlic thai sauce is spectacular. I really mean that! However, I had mu but kicked by a Rhino last night. That stuff is just flat out amazing.
Great stuff Nigel! Good on ya for diving in! Sauces make the processing work go a ton faster than drying. I followed Rocketman's fermenting 101 advice and it's working for me. Stuff is really good. Will be inerested to see how the sauce compares with a longer ferment?!?!?! I may have to give your method the side by side with a longer ferment from the same batch of mash....hmmm. Thanks for fueling the curiosity brother! By the way, the one plant from Shawn I kept is podding up nicely and we should have a positive ID before too long! Thanks again for taking the lead on adopting out his plants...
UK_Markle said:
Tastey sounding ingredients and stunning look sauce..good job Nigel.
Thanks. I used to play cricket all around your neck of the woods. I played for Hampton Wick Royals and played against Sutton, Banstead, Weybridge, etc etc etc. Nice area. 
Nice work Nigel.  I have used the Probiotic Acidophilus gel caps from the health food store with good success. 3 billion live cells at the time of manufacture. I'm going to use them for my next Berliner Weiss.
Jobu said:
Nice work Nigel.  I have used the Probiotic Acidophilus gel caps from the health food store with good success. 3 billion live cells at the time of manufacture. I'm going to use them for my next Berliner Weiss.
Excellent idea. Wish I could help you drink the Berliner Weiss   :)
Today the sauce is noticeable more runny than 24 hours ago and the flavor is really good. I`m surprised it`s as good as it is. Very hot, but very mellow.
Nigel said:
Joe, your garlic thai sauce is spectacular! 
Joe, your garlic thai sauce is spectacular. I really mean that! However, I had mu but kicked by a Rhino last night. That stuff is just flat out amazing.
thanks so much im glad you like my sauces everyone is a labor of love for me and when people like them it makes making the stuff all worth while
ah I see you got "TRAMPLED BY THE RHINO" I have seen that happen to quite a few including myself LOL ;)
now if I could only just get someone to believe in me with some money to throw around!! LOL  :rofl: 
thanks your friend Joe
Nigel said:
Thanks. I used to play cricket all around your neck of the woods. I played for Hampton Wick Royals and played against Sutton, Banstead, Weybridge, etc etc etc. Nice area. 
Oh cool,how long ago did you leave sunny ol' England?
Sounds like a good sauce Nigel. Only thing I can think of that you might want to consider is primary fermentation usually takes about a week. Next batch try letting it go for the week and then check the Ph of the peppers. If your below 4.0 then the vinegar would only need to be added if it's a part of your flavor profile else wise your golden.