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My first ripe pod of 2008

I did it! I got one of my plants to successfully grow a pod to full ripeness (Is that a word?) totally indoors! What makes it even more special is that it's from a plant I started completely from a seed.

I wish I had taken a picture of it. It was a small 1/2 inch fully mature Gold Bullet. Beautiful coloring. And I could smell the heat after I picked it. Actually, it fell off right into my hand.
Since it was my husband's idea to grow them, he got to taste it.
He said "Never again!" :mouthonfire: It was the hottest thing he's ever tasted.

I'm not brave enough to taste anything hotter than a cayenne yet. I grow the bells and milds for food, the hots for their beauty. Now that I've got Royal Blacks, Variegated, Explosive Embers, & Black Pearls, I'm really enjoying the beauty of my plants.

The race is on for the next ripe pod. It will either be another Gold Bullet from the same plant or a Sweet Pickle.
Congrats on your first ripe pod!! I've grown pepper plants before, but this is my first time growing some interesting ones and they are all from seed.(Never grown peppers from seed either by the way.)I'm excited just to watch them grow and sprout for now. That first ripe pepper is going to be AWESOME though!:D However, I have had vegetable gardens as a kid when we had a yard and I started all of those from seed. I can relate to the feeling. It's a good feeling.:)
WooHooo!!! I am sooo Happy for you...I also know how ya feel, I had a couple the other day too. BTW the feeling intensifies as you take that first bite.

Congrats on the fully ripe pod! Color me jealous...but soon I shall have one! Soon!

Poisonette said:
Since it was my husband's idea...
Wait? You're a chick? This whole time I though you were a guy....bah! Internet! :lol:
congrats to ya & your 1st ripe pod, looks like your growing several ornamental plants, you'll have a very colorful garden.