pests My home brew pesticide that works very well

After learning the hard way last year with a bad fungus knat problem in the grow room and trying just about everything I could, then a bad aphid attack I settled on a modified organic method that work well.
This year I have all of my starts on a large rolling set of SS shelves with the back and the ends covered in mylar.  On the top shelf is a plastic tub connected to a hose with a SS air gun attacked.  Fill the tub with water and nutes and every month toss in a partial Mosquito Dunk.  Each time I water I give the tub a quick stir and simply squeeze the trigger on the air gun.  Plants are watered while also getting dosed with BTI so fungus knat larva are toast.
For the aphids and other critters I keep a small spray bottle handy, its actually an old perfume atomizer so the spray is very fine and precise.  Its filled from a 2 liter bottle of the following mix.
Toss 2 cloves of garlic, one small onion, 1ts red pepper and some water into a food processor and liquify as best as you can.  Bring that to a boil with additional water as needed, then simmer for 30 minutes.  Filter into a 2 liter bottle after cooling through a coffee filter, add 1 teaspoon of dish soap and then add the not so organic parts of 1/2 ts Ortho Flower Fruit and Vegetable insect killer and 1/2 ts of Neem oil.
I've tried so many DIY ones and tried to stay away from the chem's but sometimes you can't beat them.  Aphids can be a bitch, this stuff kills them and keeps them away.  Also smells like your a great Italian cook.
Not really, the ortho product is a direct use spray that is extremely diluted in my mix as is the Neem oil.  Without them the aphids would keep recurring, once I added just a hint of the non organics they do not come back after initial spraying.  Even the flying aphids die.
Learned my lesson this year.  Clean the hell out of plants before you bring them indoors and spray with pepper / garlic all indoor plants so that aphids do not get established.  Damn they can be a bitch.
ajdrew said:
Learned my lesson this year.  Clean the hell out of plants before you bring them indoors and spray with pepper / garlic all indoor plants so that aphids do not get established.  Damn they can be a bitch.
Yep. Clean them well. Even the rootball!
Roguejim said:
I'm listening. I'd like to know how it affects the plant during the flowering period.
It affects them during flowering like get flowers and then fruit cuz no bugs.
Garlic is basically a less effective sulphur.
Got your thinking caps on?
What do you mean listening? I dropped the bug bomb already. The rest is up to you.
able eye said:
Someday you kids will listen about powdered and wettable sulphur.
I really wish I could get some sulfer candles... they seem to be hard to get here in the states. I had a bad bout of whtie mold when the power went out wile I was out of town. Battery in the digital timer was dead and didn't save settings so the lights and fans stayed off the whole time I was gone. It's been long enough now since it happened that it's a non issue but I was dealing with the spores for a long while. Was a sad sad day. 
I used 6 pounds of sulfur dust (micronized) to combat the mites. It worked perfect. I did notice aphids were not affected. Even though they coated yellow from so much sulphur. The diateomous earth took care of them.