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my hot pepper pesto

I use this on wraps, or over pasta. Adjust amount as needed.
1 jalapeno
3 sirrano
7-8 habanero
3 cloves of garlic
The following are to taste, I eyeball these. extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.

Chop everything down seeds included. Put in a bowl, add oil salt pepper. . Mix well, let sit in the refrigerator over night out helps release all the flavor.
I make this sometimes. It's a little more complicated but very, very good.

2 shallots
4 cloves garlic
1 cup Thai basil
1/2 cup mint
1/2 cup cilantro
5-10 Thai chilis - I use 5-8 "Charlotte peppers" or 1 jolokia, 1 hab and 2 serranos
3 stalks lemongrass, white part only
1 TB sugar
2 TB lime juice
peanut oil, as needed
salt, to taste
1 cup roasted peanuts

Break out the food processor and put in everything but the last 2 ingredients. Let 'er rip til smooth. Add the oil until it's a nice creamy consistency, even a tad runny. Then add the peanuts a bit at a time until you get the consistency you like. You might not need to add all the peanuts but it is to your taste.

Try not to eat it all in one night after you taste it :-)

It's killer in asian stir fry or spread over homemade naan.
I use this on wraps, or over pasta. Adjust amount as needed.
1 jalapeno
3 sirrano
7-8 habanero
3 cloves of garlic
The following are to taste, I eyeball these. extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.

Chop everything down seeds included. Put in a bowl, add oil salt pepper. . Mix well, let sit in the refrigerator over night out helps release all the flavor.

No basil? :)

Sounds good either way. ;)