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My hotsauce

Hey guys. i've made hot-sauces before. pretty spicy ok flavor. there's this one i made out of bonnets goat pepper and habs and tabasco peppers. its been sitting in my fridge still good just havent used it. i'm fitting to add some stuff to it and do a test.Pictures will be added. its a blood red sauce with chunky-peppery goodness inside. it looks sick -

hot sauce. done.still warm. i dipped the top of a knife in it and licked it. man . the flavor cam up to me and slapped me the heat was intese for a bit then went to the back and was crashing against every wall of my mouth . slightly fruity smoky. oh.. i probably shouldnt tell you all. i'll let you all wait for it . i'll take a spoonfull at 12.03

I had some ramen and tuna and i did ad some to my foood. prettty darn flavorful. and its to thick. i turned it upside down and it took like 3 seconds to fall to the cap.
hey gusy i'm so sorry damned computer wouldnt budge. finaly i got it ti start working. it took me 2 hours tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i did get pics. and since my first post i have had 3 spoon fulls. deliscious. not spicy enough to obliterate your tastebuds but spicy enough to assault them with flavor. Its smoky with a fruity undertone.It starts out at the tongue then it creeaps close to your throat and you taste the flavor all over. man.i wish i could bottle this stuff . oh wait DING an idea. it leaves your nose runny and your mouth watering for more.
The best sauce of all is usually the one you make for yourself. It is so good, it's not enough to just enjoy it. You feel like you should share it with the world. Sorry, I'm rambling. Maybe should be on the "what are you thinking now thread".
no go on . and here are sum mure pix.


regular noodles and tuna awh. sad.



Extrreme noodles and tuna . OH yeah !!!!!!!!!!



the spoon full.