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My Package From PRF

These peppers came in yesterday from PRF, Thanks Again!


Orange Habs


Big Sun Scotch Bonnets


Peach Habs


Yellow Bhut Jolokia


Chocolate Big Bang Naga


Carribean Red


Cross Douglah?



Will be making some salsa and chile with these. Might just try some raw, lol
MMMMmmmm yummy selection there-

take my advice and start with something basic....maybe that douglah thing..... and work up to the peach habanero from there...;) TRUST ME!

You know I'm kidding...right?!??!?/// except about the yummy selection. That part is primo.

MMMMmmmm yummy selection there-

take my advice and start with something basic....maybe that douglah thing..... and work up to the peach habanero from there...;) TRUST ME!

You know I'm kidding...right?!??!?/// except about the yummy selection. That part is primo.


We'll see :dance:
SL...you evil little imp you :hell: That almost made me fall outta my chair laughing! I LOVED your vid btw. Only thing that could've made it better if I were there to see it in person. Hope all is well with you and your plants. The peruvian white hab has flowers and the bulgaarian carrot had 3 more peppers almost ready to pick. ;)

Wasatch...be careful around SL as sweet as she looks there is a little devil in there ;)
Who Me?

I keep telling everyone I'm just :halo: but they all seem to think I'm :twisted:.


And I've heard suggestions of a NW gathering some time this fall. Would be fun!
Great selecton of peppers... - Looks like you're in for a hot meal :)

For seed-saving purposes however, please note that the pepper on the last picture is not Morado. The Morado pepper is dark brown, looking like this;


Still, thatr's going to be a hot salsa!!!

Best wishes René
Great selecton of peppers... - Looks like you're in for a hot meal :)

For seed-saving purposes however, please note that the pepper on the last picture is not Morado. The Morado pepper is dark brown, looking like this;


Still, thatr's going to be a hot salsa!!!

Best wishes René

If not a Morado, then what is it?
If not a Morado, then what is it?

Certanly a "Habanero-ish" C. Chinense, but to say which one is impossible. I wouldn't worry though, for sure it dosen't look like a pepper that is going to drag your salsa to a lower heat-level! Bon Apetite :)
