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My plan for my first grow

This is the first year of growing peppers, have been doing a bunch of research, and this is my plan. I have mixture of Anaheim, Hungarian Wax, Jalapeno M, Long Slim cayenne, ans Serrano, plus a few Habaneros. I am doing this relatively cheap since my wife isn't working right now.

My plan is grow them in pots ranging from 2.5 gallons to 5 gallons, and a few outside at my parents.

Going to make a mix of compost/soil, pro-mix, and pine mulch. Not sure of mixture yet but going to make a few test and see what looks good.

Plan to use epsom salt and miracle grow to fertilize.

Not looking for perfection first time but want to make sure there are no big holes in my plan..

One thing I'd suggest is to keep in mind that plants have been growing well before we started cultivating them. They will grow with the right conditions based on their native surroundings.

Watch them but don't love them to much! Your plan sounda good. Good luck!
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you're going to be saving these peppers for seed you're gonna want to keep them isolate of each other so that they don't cross pollinate. Otherwise next year you'll have SerraPenos, CayenneWax, some long and skinny red Anaheims and Gawd-only knows what else and they wont be consistent. If you plan on purchasing seed every year then its no big deal and they can be planted along side each other.

The majority of folks here do what we can each year to keep certain strains pure so that we can save seed for the following years growing season. Beyond that it sounds like you've got a Great lineup! Best of luck and may they fruit well!
As for right now space is a major issue so buying seeds is my only option for now.. Someday ill harvest my own seeds but for now, 10 bucks in seeds aint too bad..
Good point Fuse.

I'm looking to do some crossbreeding myself just for fun. Really want to slice up these jalapenos!

Had an orange hab with dinner tonight and MAN it was so disappointing to have heat that was less than a thai. These store bought peppers truly suck!