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My Pooper Snooper

Heidi,my pooch suddenly stopped eating and puked up everything she ate within an hour of chowing down.
Seems there is something called pancreatitis in dogs.
It is caused by feeding some dogs a high fat diet among other things.

I've always let my dogs be my pre wash for my pots,pans and dishes.
I've never had a problem with it as far as my dogs were concerned in the past.

Heidi stopped eating 3 days ago,puked up everything she ate within an hour of eating.
Since she is a Chow Hound,I figured she ate a few bad McDonolds scraps people toss over the wall from the Mc D next door.
When she couldn't eat her food OR lick my dishes without getting sick I got worried.
Today I had her at the Vet.
$260.00 latter I find out she has pancreatitis.
Some dogs get it in different forms or severe forms.
I find out tomorrow IF the form she has caused further damage.
When blood tests etc. come in.

Boils down to,Possibly if I never used Heidi as a dish washer,she may have never gotten the disease.
I wasn't doing her any favors by letting her lick my dishes before I washed them.
What we eat isn't that good for us or our pets all the time.
It is Diet related in general.
Heidi liked nothing better than licking out a pan I used for frying bacon or sausage in(drained of fat but still VERY greasy).
I wasn't doing her any favors by letting her lick my dirty dishes,bbq grills or whatever.
She loved it,AND I liked making my best friend happy.
But in the long run I could have killed her.
Another few days and she could have been seriously injured- serious pancreas damage.
This is just a warning.
I grew up leaving a scrap of food on my plate and setting it down for our dog to eat as a treat.
In this instance it could have killed my best friend.

So Be careful,in the long run what you feed your dog.
Before today I'd NEVER have believed that a few table scraps would hurt my pooch.
It might not hurt yours,I've had 3 dogs that died from car accidents to old age.Never from what I considered as common practice-treats after dinner...

Once a dog gets Panceatitis they are probably going to get it again after they get cured eventually.
Heidi is on a diet now that she doesn't understand.
I used dog cookies in training her.
All of a sudden,no handouts or cookies.
Just in 12 hours after treatment she has been able to eat dog food that is made for dogs that is fat free.
It breaks my heart when I eat dinner and she doesn't get to lick the plate.She thinks she did something wrong.
I need my fishing buddy and guardian at work(I'm a security Guard and need my dog at night,Shy Ann saved my life one night.She had to be put down after a drunk broke her back).
My dogs are lap dogs during the day but at work they are my protectors.
Most of all they are my fishing buddies etc.

Basically,be careful about what you feed your dog or you might loose them.
Dog food didn't cause this problem.
I did by giving her fatty stuff to eat that dogs aren't geared to eat.
The vet says this happens a lot.
We all love a wagging tail especially on a puppy.
But for a lot of dogs we are hurting them by giving them people food.
I don't know the percentage of dogs that get messed up from handouts but all I know is I could have killed Heidi with kindness.
Just after 12 hours of treatment Heidi ate and didn't puke her food up.
Hopefully she didn't get any other damage to her kidneys or liver yet.
Tests come back tomorrow.
Either way she is on a fat free diet for life or she WILL get it again.

Ya tonight she thinks I'm pissed at her because I didn't let her lick my plate or give her a treat after our walk when she did everything I asked her to do (training her).
But I'd rather get a dirty look than be without her.
I'll find treats she likes that are good for her eventually/soon so she'll be back on track.
Just be careful with what you feed your pet.You could be hurting them with too many cookies or giving them food they shouldn't have.
A good warning to others Mike. Hope your baby gets better. If we're not careful, we can kill our pets with kindness.

She seems 100% better so far.
I'll know tomorrow the extent of the damage she may have suffered.
I think I caught it early enough that it'll only take a few weeks for her to be off meds and on her new diet.
She still empties her water bowl as fast as I fill it though which isn't a good sign.
Even in Humans the Pancreas causes a thirst as a side effect of malfunction.
But it's only been 12+ hours since the meds kicked in.

I've got a late start this year getting the boat out.
Gotta get her ready/healthy enough to go fishing and take a swim or 2 on these hot summer days.

Shy Ann was great at finding the fish.
I don't know how she did it but there were several times I saw nothing on the fish finder but she would start walking to the back of the boat as we went past a spot acting wierd.
I'd stop and cast in a few times to make her stop pacing.
Several times ,more often than not ,something was biting there.Might just be 1 fish,but she let me know it was there with our name on it. LOL
She loved licking a bass before I tossed it back.

She loved smoked fish and would hang out next to the smoker all the time.
She hated it when I went salt water fishing.She couldn't go on a cattle boat.
She could only go on my boat to the lakes around here.
Don't beat yourself up. You thought you were giving your pooch a treat. I(we) have a 17 year old dog. He is our baby, so I know the feelings you have for yours. Now that you know better you just give him the love and we will say  a Prayer for you and your best friend.
Whoo Hooo!
Second batch of tests came in today.
They didn't back up the first tests results.
She only has an infection.

My dishwasher will be fixed in a week or so.

I'll be able to give her treats again.

I think I'll be a LOT more selective though.
Toss out the stuff like chicken skin instead of giving her all that fat etc. like I used to.
I will cut WAY down on the treats that aren't made for dogs.
No more bacon grease coated pans or fat from a chunk of meat etc.

Ya I'll give here stuff still,but I'll watch what I do give her.

Give her more stuff like rice and veggies instead of skin and fat.
That way she'll still get her treat but it won't cause her health problems.
She probably only cares about her expected treat,not as much what it is.
She IS a Chow Hound,she eats veggies the same as anything else.
Loves carrots and peas,cooked or raw.

I already got rid of her cookie,food and bone stash though.
She was eyeing the bag and 1/2 of her food (50-60lbs.) and her cookie bag so I gave that stuff to a guy who works here so she wouldn't be teased...

I gave it to a guy here at work.
I guess he left the bones where his dogs could get to them.
He went out to get them and his dogs found them first and ate through the wrappers and ate what they wanted off 6 or so big bones.
I guess today his dogs are laying around belching and farting on a bone induced high. LOL

The first Vet told me that what she thought Heidi had was a life long thing.
Fatty stuff would make it come back.All the stuff I was giving her wouldn't be cool anymore.

The food she gave/sold me Heidi hates.
I'm glad she isn't going to be forced to have to eat it all her life,only for a week or so.
That crap is $3.00 Lb.
I guess IF the wild cats here like what I have left after her meds are gone they'll be eating good for a few days.
I'm only going to make Heidi eat that nasty stuff for a week or so.
Today the vet said I only have to give it to her while she is on the meds.

Glad I don't have to buy it for the next 15 yrs. +/-.

Gotta go to Costco and stock back up on Heidi's favorite stuff-Bones and cookies and good old Kirkland dog food.
Maybe get us both a nice chunk of beef to bbq the day after she finishes her meds.
Lean,not much fat for Heidi,LOL
Glad she is going to be alright ! But Duuuuuude that diet is ef'ing messed up and disgusting for a pet. You should make sure you get her food without corn fillers and no rawhide bones please. The rawhide from China has formaldehyde in it. Just keep her healthy.
True Story  
No corn in what she gets.I don't see corn in any of Kirklands dog foods.
At least not in the ones she eats.

The only thing I probably screwed up with is all the fatty stuff I probably gave her along with all the stuff people toss over the wall from McDonolds.

I seldom,if ever give her rawhide.
When she did get them she inhales them with little chewing.
I don't think that is good for her to do so I never/hardley ever give that stuff to her.

She gets a lot of smoked stuff though.
That will never change,healthy or not.

Smoked Yellowtail and Salmon are her favorites.Chicken is 3rd on her list.
We don't eat much beef.




I get either of the above,they don't always have any one version at a time.
Heidi likes it.
She likes the Peanut Butter dog cookies and Bacon and cheese flavored ones.
Supposed to be no preservatives and all natural ingredients.

She loves Duck and Chicken Jerky for dogs too but she doesn't get that often,too expensive.She gets it as gifts from my family at Christmas.

I can't afford designer dog food.
The crap they sold me that she would have had to eat would have been very hard for me to afford to feed her.
I'd positively had to find another source for it or a similar product if she was sentenced to eating it forever.
She'd probably run away eventually because she won't eat it until she is starving...

I see recipes for the cookies all the time on the internet.
If they weren't so cheap I'd make them myself...Homemade ones probably have better stuff in them I think.Lots of recipes to choose from.

Just curious,what food do you use?What does it cost?
Just corn free food or grain free - I have a pit that has reactions to corn and its not digested anyway also my daughter will bake them biscuits or we will find a box that is the same as the dogs food - food will range to about 40$ for 35-40lb bag - Even a lot of the box store brands rank high  like Kirklands  
So what is so disgusting about my dogs diet then?
Without knowing me or what I feed my dog,that comment IS way out of line.

You don't have any idea about what my dog eats at any given time.

Shy Ann,my last dog was over 15yrs old.
She had to be put down after a drunk broke a vertibre in her back.
The asshole used to try and get her to bark at him almost every night when he walked by going home from the bar down the street at 2am.

My dogs are trained to ignore anything outside of the fence.

Shy Ann was actually taking a dump when the guy hit her with the piece of metal.
My dogs are lap dogs during the day.They know their job.
At night they are my protectors.During the day or off the lot,they are everyones friend.
My dogs have been and ARE VERY important to me as working dogs AND fishing buddies.

The only thing I did wrong was possibly give them a few fatty treats that could have hurt them IF they were sensitive to fats.

I DO read the labels on what I buy for my dogs.

Your comment about feeding them a DISGUSTING DIET IS way out of line.

Kirkland got 3 out of 4 stars as far as ratings on that site goes-above average dog food in general...
Besides giving her too much fat from time to time I did nothing wrong!

She didn't get chicken skin ,bacon greased pans or steak fat every day.

BUT she did get it WHEN I had it.

Due to my budget we eat a Lot of stuff that is on sale or cheap,mostly Chicken,rice,potatoes and beans with whatever Veggies are in season and cheap at the time.

I didn't give her tons of that fatty stuff at a time either.

If I had a chicken quarter she might get all that skin,but she only got that much skin even if I cooked a whole chicken.
I wasn't letting her eat a ton of fatty stuff at any given time,just a treat.

Most fatty stuff went into the trash before it was even cooked.

But,from what I've read since the first Vet visit,IF your dog is pre dispositioned to getting pancreatis (SP?),giving her any fatty foods in any amounts could hurt the dog,sometimes severely.
The purpose of my original post.A warning to people like me who dodn't know SOME dogs can't have ANY fatty stuff.

I wasn't shoveling the stuff by the plate load into her dish at all times.

I didn't know that for SOME dogs that could be a major bad thing to feed her.

She'll still be my dish washer,but she'll get stuff like rice and veggies and little or no fatty stuff.

She probably got sick from a piece of burger tossed over the wall that had been sitting in the sun all day.
We sleep days and work all night,so that is probably what caused her to get sick in the first place.

I don't like her even getting food from anyone else and pick up a ton of McDonolds trash every night before she finds it,but I miss a few things and she does find stuff from time to time.
I don't let her walk the fence line specifically because of all the dropped food people toss or drop all kinds of tempting stuff on the sidewalk.
They kick it under the fence ,so it's off the sidewalk.
I have a long handled dust pan and small broom I use to clean up the stuff before she does her first round every night.
People drop stuff at all hours,so new stuff gets pushed within her reach all the time.Nothing I can do about it,she gets it before I can sometimes.
We have a LOT of scarf and barfs along with roach coaches on the Blvd. out front.

Grain free dog food?
Impossible to find, they all have at least some kind of grain in them.
Rice is a grain.The designer foods use rice instead of corn...
Corn free ,yes,Grain free,you gotta make your own or pay big bucks for some designer crap like the stuff the vet gave me that Heidi won't eat because it either tastes like crap or has no taste.

I just tried to kill my dog tonight.
I went to the store and got stuff that I made for her to eat that is fat free,per the Vets recomendations.
Rice,Chicken and mixed veggies(frozen not canned)and added a couple Fish oil tabs.It should have had a few hard boiled eggs(shells and all) in it too(per recomended recipe)BUT I don't eat many eggs often forgot to buy them today.
Tomorrow I'll add hard boiled eggs to the stuff I cooked for her today.
I also forgot to buy some Cherrios.Vet said they are an XLNT treat IF Heidi had Pancreatis.Oats are good for dogs,But I think cereals probably have too much salt in general.
Shreaded wheat is said to be great stuff but it's full of salt because it would be tasteless otherwise.
NOPE,I don't read labels and feed my best friend aand protector a DISGUSTING diet...
I'm clueless I guess.,,,
So how long have you been a Veterinarian?
Chill out - a 3000 mile internet fight will get you nowhere. The diet is disgusting that you would feed her, fat from a pan and eat fatty scraps that even you admittedly wouldnt eat
smokemaster said:
It is caused by feeding some dogs a high fat diet among other things.
Boils down to,Possibly if I never used Heidi as a dish washer,she may have never gotten the disease.
I wasn't doing her any favors by letting her lick my dishes before I washed them.
What we eat isn't that good for us or our pets all the time.
Heidi liked nothing better than licking out a pan I used for frying bacon or sausage in(drained of fat but still VERY greasy).
I wasn't doing her any favors by letting her lick my dirty dishes,bbq grills or whatever.

But in the long run I could have killed her.
Another few days and she could have been seriously injured- serious pancreas damage.
This is just a warning.
I grew up leaving a scrap of food on my plate and setting it down for our dog to eat as a treat.
In this instance it could have killed my best friend.
then you say its the people throwing Mcdonalds over the fence. I assume once she is feeling better you will probably start giving her all your "scraps" again. 
I gave you my opinion do what you want. My dogs would never lick a fatty pan or grill grate 1.) its not good for them and 2.) having dog slime on my cookware is not something I want. I looked for a reasonably priced dogfood (Kirkland) for you as an alternative go ahead and give her Ol Roy or Pedigree and have your friend and protector enjoy the Anonymous food scraps in them as well.
Hope she does well anyways
She has been eating Kirkland since she was a Pup.Same as the dog I had before her.

I never let her drink fat from a pan,she did lick out a few pans that the fat was drained from and let her lick the scraps of fish,chicken or whatever stuck to a smoker grill.

It's not like I put pans full of fat out for her to drink every day either.

I mostly eat fish and Chicken,not much beef or pork.
Lots of rice,beans and potatoes.
Most of the scraps I give her were rice,beans,potatoes but she did get skin from chicken when I had it.Most chicken lately that is on sale,that I buy ,is skinless and or boneless these days.
A lot of cut up misc. pieces sold for tacos and stir fry.

There is a big difference in feeding her a whole chickens worth of skin at a time ,or evedry day and a few chunks whenever I had it.
I also did limit what I gave her as far as chicken skin etc.
I doubt 1% of her diet was hand outs at most,probably not even close to 1%.

She won't be licking the grease of any pans anymore,post 6.
The FEW times a year I do have bacon or sausage.

I guess you didn't read #6 post,where I mentioned getting Kirkland dog food at Costco and plan on not giving her fatty stuff anymore.

You said her diet was disgusting in post 8...

I later went to a dog food rating site in #9 to post links to what I feed Heidi.

To each his own as far as pre washing my dishes.
I know people who think that is disgusting,but that is a personal preference.
It doesn't make her diet Disgusting.
It might make me disgusting in some people opinion,but not her diet.

Since I don't know what possitively gave her problems I'll be watching what she eats more closely,and as I posted in 6,watch the fat.
Vet said that it was probably some bad/spoiled food that she ate,she doesn't have pancreatis(SP?).

But thinking she might have had it,opened my eyes to the fact that for SOME dogs,any fat can be or cause a big health problem.

She'll still get her Peanut butter dog cookies(no preservatives,all natural,no corn) when I'm rewarding her for doing something right at work(training).

She'll still get her occasional bone too.

Yup,I'll still give her her couple table spoons of whatever after dinner,disgusting practice or not.

Just no fatty stuff (post 6),she likes rice and veggies as well anyway,which,even before,was mostly what she licked off my plate most times.