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My viper plant is dying

Hi all... FIrst time poster. I have been growing a viper chilli which was growing well until recently the leaves had all of a sudden became very hard and brittle and now the plant looks like death. I have taken a few pictures of it. I have had problems with aphids, I have been constantly spraying them with rose spray as well as other sprays but nothing seems to work... Do you think the aphids have made my plant look like this or is it missing some trace elements like calcium... I have no idea...

I have also tried to clone a butch T plant that a friend of mine has been growing successfully. The plant is very healthy so I tried to clone it. I put some hormone gel on the tip and placed it in a jiffy pellet as shown. My question is, how do I know if/when the plants has started to grow roots because the plants haven't changed in two weeks now. Do I need to feed my cloned plants at this stage? Thank you very much for some feedback...
First, welcome aboard. Glad you're unsinkable.

Second, I think your viper looks a lot like one of my plants that I sprayed for aphids a bit too aggressively. Yours isn't nearly as far gone as mine, but I hope it's not on the downward spiral.

Third, I would think that when your cuttings root properly you should see roots on the side of a jiffy pellet, and also there should be growth on the shoot end as well.

Fall and winter are tough times for plants. Good luck.
Cool another Aussie. One of my buddies at school is from Melbourne as well, spending the semester in the States. Your plant is definitely not dead yet, and those clones look pretty nice :P . Hopefully they'll root up real nice for you! I agree with what Jeff said. I hate aphids. They're the worst. The leaf problems could be caused by the spray, unless those leaves grew out like that to begin with. It looks like your newer growth looks okay though. I use mostly insecticidal soap for aphids and haven't had any problems with it, even in high volumes. Maybe you can consider that? Best of luck to your plants.
Firstly :welcome: - I'm from VIC too! :)

I would steer clear of rose spray (& also pyrethrum), they always seem to do more harm than good to my peppers.
I suggest neem oil or, as mrz said: insecticidal soap. Both are more effective and less detrimental.
It's getting to the point now in Victoria anyway, where you are not likely to get much in the way of fruit, so just keep your plant in a sheltered area (or better yet: inside) and try not to over-water. You basically just want to keep the guy alive till summer wings back around! I didn't get much this season but I've just cut back my bigger plants and brought them inside so they are ready to go as soon as it warms up again.
I wouldn't feed your clones anything but water at the moment.
With just the one single plant you can probably kill every aphid by hand. Looking at it suggests you've darn near poisoned it with the aphid killing things you've used.

Aji hombre said it best concerning the clones, you should be seeing roots along the sides of the jiffy plugs soon. If they have looked like that for two weeks I would bet that the roots are growing and both of them should be successful for you. Keep an eye out for them damn aphids.

Good luck and welcome to the absolute best web site for pepper growing on the entire www.