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overwintering my winter hydroponic grow

i have just finished extending my grow box out another foot and a half. my grow area is 5' x 6' and 7' tall. this time i will only grow 1 bhut jolokia, 1 7pot, 1 trinidad scorpion and 1 fatalii. last year i ran out of room with 6 plants so thats is why im doing only 4. i started the seeds nov 7 in rapid rooter plugs and they will then be transfered into 4" rockwool blocks and then to 1' x 3' rockwool slabs. i will be using botanicare nutrients, like i did last winter. i am using a 400 watt MH/HPS, with a ebb and flow system. my system is a 2' x 4' tray with a 40 gal res. i will take more pictures through out this grow to keep you guys updated.

i am cleaning out the system to get it ready to go




Will be Looking forward to seeing the Progress of this abf,You seem to have plenty of space for the plants you want to grow :)
Great looking setup abf should help your gardening in Colorado. I have found that the Bhut Jolokia and Fatalli to be shorter plants than the other two.
That setup looks friggin sweet man. I can't wait til I get my 400watt light, pics are making me jealous. good luck with that man sounds like about the same plan I had 4ish plants all superhots :)
thanks txclosetgrower. i did 6 plants last winter and they grew to big for my grow box and when i moved the tray to clean the res, one of my plants broke at the base of the main stem. thats why i also made that table so i never have to move the tray.
update nov 21

i had to restart seeds because i went out of town for a few day and my sister forgot to keep them moist. so when i got home they were all dried out so i started some new ones on nov 10. when i got home today a noticed a little sprout from the fatalii and one about to pop up from the bhut. the 4 other sprouts are thai oranges that i will be growing indoors for the winter in soil. and the other 4 are some bhuts i cut back to grow until next spring. i will keep the bhuts in this grow box until my seedlings are big enough to go into the hydro system, and the bhuts will go under a cfl i have in another box.




update dec 3

i just moved the sprouts to the 4" rockwool cubes today, and transplanted the 2 best lookinh orange thais into dirt.


thai orange are doing good


the scorpion and bhut in the front


the fatalli and 7 pot sprouts

have a little alge on the rapid rooter plugs but im not to worried about that.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Great looking setup abf should help your gardening in Colorado. I have found that the Bhut Jolokia and Fatalli to be shorter plants than the other two.

I have a Bhut Jolokia Plant right now that is 31 inches tall !!!
update dec 24

today is the plants first day in the hydro system, so far so good. dont know why the leafs are curling on the scropion. any ideas?



