Mystery Pepper!

If it turns bright red and is sweet as candy = Nardello.

If it is medium hot= Italian Long Hot.

Next time you are at the grocery store, snap a cellphone pic of an Italian Long Hot. It looks exactly like your pod.
ms1476 said:
If it turns bright red and is sweet as candy = Nardello.

If it is medium hot= Italian Long Hot.

Next time you are at the grocery store, snap a cellphone pic of an Italian Long Hot. It looks exactly like your pod.
The Nardello sounds pretty yummy, and the rest of the peppers look more like it, but none have started to go red yet.
Here's a better shot of the plant, but at an earlier process of growth.
Either way, happy to try out some new peppers. I can always get serranos at the grocery store ;)
it may be a pusa jwala, if it is, it won't be as hot as a serrano or cayenne but will have a nice mild heat at first bite.
i have 2 plants that are 2 years old, i put them in the garden..... last year for them!
the fun thing about jwala is to see how long, in size, you can get a pepper to grow - you can have a friend competition and the nice thing about them, the are maintenance free.
a local ethnic store brings in fresh pods on occasion. 
Chewi said:
It looks tasty whatever it is!!!!
Agreed! There's about 30 pods growing right now, I'm assuming I have about 2 weeks before harvest.
I should take a picture of the larger one on the other side of the plant, it has to be 7" long! Yum!