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pod Mystery pod (7pod Brown seeds from Pepperlover)

I need some help identifying this pod originally I thought it was a barracapore but after the color turned brown not sure what it is any help would be awesome. O and thanks for everyone who help me decide on the drip system it finally got here, so hopefully this will help me and my plants through the watering phase. I got the one SuperHot recommended the 60 emitters, since I keep adding plants I thought it would better. Anyways here the pod in question

Thanks everyone for the help
im growing 2 this year and would be greatly excited if it was a chocolate barrakpore!!
Thank everybody for replying, but the seeds came from Aji Joe as mystery superhot excited about it being a chocolate barrakpore.
I harvested the pod today I will not eat until later when I will share with a project partners. I took some pictures because I cut it open today it was very oily with a chinense smell can not wait to taste later.
Thanks everyone and I hope you enjoy



Yea still not sure I label it mystery Aji Joe chocolate I will send it out pods to a few members to get their perspective on the pepper and help me id it. I am looking forward to compare it with Joe chocolate barracapores he has growing this year.
Thanks everyone for stopping by
I only ate half of it last week with a my partners on a research project split off the rest. it was good in that it did not have the acid flavor. Instant heat once I took the first bite mind over matter just to chew for the 30 seconds I couldn't even taste any flavor due to it being so hot, but it taste a little premature I think next time I am going to leave it for 2 more weeks next time. I personally think it was hotter than the bhut I had the day before, but I am more interested in seeing the end result with Aji Joe chocolate barracapore whether it the same and the people I send it to.
Thanks again for stopping by