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seeds Mystery seeds.

I was at the store and saw a packet of Burpee mixed pepper seeds for a buck. I couldn't resist so I bought them. The packet contains Anaheim, Long red slim Cayenne, Jalapeno M, Serrano, and Hungarian Hot wax. I'm most interested in the Anaheim, Hungarian, and Serrano.

The seeds were predominantly similar. Most of them were a larger size but came in a yellowish color and a darker tan color. There were a few seeds that were half the size of the rest. Is there any way I could tell the difference between seeds, seedlings, and young plants? I figure it will be next to impossible until they bear fruit. Any ideas. Thanks.
What would I see that would make me think it was a Serrano? I'm ignorant about plants but I might remember reading something, is it going to be hairy?
So, I divided the seeds into similar shape/color/size and planted a couple of each category. I came up with 5 different groups. Of the 10 seeds planted, I have 8 seedlings. Two of them are a solid inch taller than the rest and are growing like weeds and are developing very thick stems. All of the rest are very similar appearing.

Since I am having problems uploading to photobucket tonight, I have to ask without any pictures. In everyone's opinion, would those larger seedlings be the serranos?
Novacastrian said:
How would you know that! :rolleyes::P

well i planted about 25 varieties this year including anaheim, jalapeno, cayenne slim, hungarian wax and serrano. and only serrano seeds are smaller comparing to others.
Here are the mystery peppers.


One shot of the biggest and fastest growing.


Any ideas?
kylestl said:
fastest growing id say a hot wax i grew 2 of em and they grew frekin fast

I agree - the one with the most true leaves is prob wax. But jals can be very leggy under the same light as a wax and get taller.
The bushier ones are prob cayenne. Jals and wax rarely get side shoots so early - except on the ones that lost some lower leaves.

Oh, I had some very lanky cayenne too but I only grew a few and not sure how they compare directy to the others growth. Never grown serranos.
Thanks for getting me to look. Think it was just the flash. The newer leaves look a little velvety (if that is a word) but I don't see any signs of mildew. I've held the water back on these a bit in hopes of slowing growth. I started them earlier than I should have.
Not a cig burn. No idea what it is. Not very concerned I guess as it is isolated to one leaf.

Now torture... I don't suppose water-boarding would be appropriate. But I'll come up with something when the time comes. Any ideas to make these plants the meanest they can be?
I purchased about 20 variety of seeds and in addition to the ones I got a bag of about 20 mystery seeds included with my order, but no wear did it say anything about what they are. The seeds all look different in size shape and some are even dark or black. Is it a good idea to plant and try and grow a seed that you don't know what it is or should I just toss them?
Occasionally growing a mystery plant can be a lot of fun. Great way to discover something you might not try if you knew.
Do I treat them the same as the other ones? I think the ones I got said to not use peat for the pots when growing.
I am by no means the expert in the crowd, but I believe the largest plant with the most true leaves is the Hungarian Hot wax. I am growing all the other ones you mentioned and none of my plants have leaves that look quite that oblong? ...just an educated guess.

Good luck, I have quite a few mystery plants this year too...some from packages and one group froma kind user here...just told me Ultra-Hots...so I have NO idea what they are... I will watch this one to see what you end up with!