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Name that pepper...

Hey all, new member here. We had a client drive up from North Carolina. He gave me a jar of pickled peppers after I had mentioned that my wife and I have been canning lately. These peppers were raised and canned by his Mexican friends. Does anyone know what they are? They are terrific! Heat factor for me is 2/3 out of 10. I did eat one that had some binford heat, 7/8. Torched my mouth for 10 min. None the less I can't stop popping 1 or 2 of these every afternoon. Anyone?

That's the famous Rat poisen pepper! haha, just kiddeing, I know I've seen them before but I don';t know what they are. They look tasty however!
Ive bought those pickeled before they are pretty good or maybe I was pickeled and good........ either way I have seen/had them