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need advice on plant


what do you think the chances of this plant making it it has been 3 days from date of decapitation
OH MY GOD! That's a grusome sight!

Ya know, I don't know if that's worth keeping at this point. I've had that happen with a few of my plants but they weren't rare varieties. So I just started over.
If the plant has leaf nodes it should grow new foilage from them.

A couple of years ago one of my cats ate ALL the leaves from a couple of my pepper plants just leaving a bare stem sticking up in the cup. But, in a couple of weeks new foilage was growing out from the leaf nodes and the plants ended up doing rather well that year.

The plant should recover if you keep it under some light and feed/water it.

I have never had a decapitation that was that bad. That is why I was asking if it is bound to die its gotta go to make room for the others. when I planted them I asked them all if there should ever be an acident would you like to be on life support or can I throw you out to make room for the others, they all said if I am gonna die do it fast and throw me away. But if any one thinks he is worth saving I will do it.
I agree on keeping it...for a while anyway to see if it is going to put new growth on...
Ok I will keep it i gues it does not take up that much space as long as it is short. My real problem is where to plant when they get big we are not allowed to have plants outside here in the new place.
That will definately survive. I have actually done that on purpose to some of my plants to get them to branch out more. Don't throw it out, it will be fine.
I agree with the others...Keep it, it should bounce back. As an experiment, I cut off the top half off of a Serrano plant and it has bushed out very nicely.
VtPepper said:
At least he has a better chance then the 8 7 pod plants my four year old pulled up so he could play with them.



Oh, nice tags from Wal-Mart, I got the same ones. 25 for $2 and change. Real pencil works better than that silly thing they included btw. :)
I`d keep it.The last 2 yrs i`ve been at war with the deer here.They`ve taken every leaf off of plants multiple times and they`ve all come back.Haven`t put out the # of peppers due to the stress but still good.To make a good ending to the story----the deer have all tasted really good too seasoned with habs.