Need advice on wilting

I think my seedlings got hit by too much hot sun late this morning.
Should I water and bring them back inside, or would it be alright to leave in a shaded area?
I don't have much hope for the one's on the left...
Yeah, I've seen some pretty crazy things on this forum. I'm just really new to growing from seed, so trying to learn all I can.
I guess even the pro's still learn somewhere huh?  :rolleyes:
I'm relatively new to growing peppers and obviously very new to this site, but the way I look at it is that you never quit learning even if you are a pro! But yeah I'd say if you give those little guys a good soaking and move them out of the direct sun then they will be fine. They look good otherwise!
If they wilt like that for too long the heat will draw all the moisture from the leaves and the leaves will crunch away and whither to nothing. Believe me I know. I'm in Sydney and forgot my seedlings in the sun for a mere 30 minutes. The leaves were wilted. I watered them, but they never came round. Just went all crunchy and died.