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Neem Oil Extract


Neem Oil Extract

Was wondering if this would be the best way to go with the pest and fungal problems that I'm having with my plants. Both of these are not really that bad, but are really getting on my nerves. I'm staring to lose a few peppers over it. Or maybe they are that bad

First off are the bugs that I see every once in awhile on the pods and crawling up and down the branches. Look something like a stink bug type. Was wondering if they are actually chewing on my pepper pods to cause me to notice the soft whitish brown areas on them.


Am I having a kind of Fungal Problem of some sort. Had some say say was from water droplets on pods that will cause that.

Could the two problems be related as to the bugs chewing on the pods and that is causing the fungi to grow in the soft spots and ruining the pepper. Or maybe these bugs don't like hot peppers.

Just starting to get on my nerves being my peppers are really starting to ripen up now and I'm losing some of them. Especially since I promised seeds out. Not sure if the seeds will be infected with the same fungus. Don't want that.

Any help? Suggestions? Is this maybe the best way to try and solve these problems before I lose a bunch more peppers. I asked before in "Got Bugs !" but not get alot of replies. I really could use some help now.

Pics below. You'll get the idea off these as to my problems. Top pic of the bugs.The middle pic is of a pepper that was way up in the back of plant that must have been infected for quite awhile. the bottom pic is what I see the most on the peppers.

k skwerl,

I am not sure if Neem oil will solve your problem, but in consulting with a compost tea expert, in the course of discussion he mentioned that not not all Neem oils
are the same and one he has found works the best. His name is Tad Hussey, and you can get his number from his website, here: Good luck. I plan on trying his special Neem oil in the future if I run into problems like yours. I have had fungus, mite, fly problems in the past and I used Concern insect killing soap. It doesn't work to kill them all, and out of desparation when it didn't work completely I resorted to a plant weapon of mass destruction, Malathion. A couple of teaspoons of that mixed with water and sprayed on top and bottom of leaves (cover the soil with aluminum foil so you can invert the plant) and then spray the soil real good worked. One hundred per cent without reapplication. I would advise against this approach if your plants are flowering or podding however. Good luck.

I've always had a fantastic results with pure neem oil and a little bit of castile soap. It's not instant knockdown but it thwarts and messes up reproductive cycles in pest insects. Applied every 10 days for 3 applications then as needed, it is really effective and extremely safe.
Thanks all here for the replies. Got me going in the right direction as to what to do. Appreciate them.

Being that I have to work out of town all next week, I opted for using the Neem Oil. Seemed like the quickest to try to control my problems. Was real easy to mix up the Oil as per directions. Just mixed 2 tbsp. up in a gallon container and filled a spray bottle up with it. Then sprayed away. Smelled good and being organic not really worry about getting much on yourself. I've used Malathion and boy that stuff is nasty and potent. Heck, I enjoyed spraying the Oil on my pepper plants so much I just sprayed my whole garden with it. Even the giant sunflowers, as they had a few bugs on them as well. My broccoli is sprouting so thought the Oil would be better than the Sevin 5% I've used on it.

My daughter is going to take care of the plants while I'm gone. She'll water them and I told her she has to talk to them as well. Also told her she would have to be on Bug Watch, or should I say Bug Squash if she sees any. But I highly doubt she's going to squash any. Hopefully the bugs will be somewhat gone by then. Maybe need another dose of Oil when I get back.

As for the Fungi, I asked around and it may possibly be caused by water laying on the pods. Not sure though. Don't think I'm going to wipe every pod off after it rains to dry them off. So still maybe I guess not sure about the Fungi. I've sprayed Epsom salt water on the and was wondering if maybe could be burned by that water and then causing the fungi, but the leaves were not effected.

Going to check into both the websites that I was refered to in the replies while out of town and ask around about the fungi.

Again, thanks for the replies. And if anyone else has any ideas, please post them as well. I'm all ears.

Put some pics of my plants below if interested in seeing.

2 Butch T, 2 Bhut and Cowhorn and another small Butch T in a pot alongside the garage.

2 Moruga, 3 Butch T, 2 Bhut, Serrano, Jalapeno, Cowhorn and a Peter Pepper in the playground area.

this stuff burned my plants, but it was my fault cause i might of used a lil too much, still didn't get rid of my leaf miner problems. im sure it will work for other pest but not sure about the fungus problem though, i saw something just for that matter but i forget what is called.
Leaf-footed bug is I believe what you have, the nymphs look like the (good) assassin bug.

I sevin dusted mine... But you can't use that on any pods/plants you plan to sell, or within three days of harvesting your peppers... Just make sure you read the label... If you are doing the organic thing, this will kill everything. but that pest is pernicious.
Talking about Assassin Bugs...I had these on one of Moruga Plants a couple weeks ago. Wasn't sure whether they were the good Assassin Bug or the nymphs for these Bugs I have after looking them up on the internet. So just broke off the leaf and took it way down in the yard and let them go in a brush. Can't just kill every bug you see on your plants.

Found an interesting site about the way Neem Oil acts as an insecticide...link below

I wonder if you mixed up some very fine Diat. Earth with water and Neem oil if that might help things more forcefully along. I might have to try this, figure it will be unlikely to hurt the plants.

Talking about Assassin Bugs...I had these on one of Moruga Plants a couple weeks ago. Wasn't sure whether they were the good Assassin Bug or the nymphs for these Bugs I have after looking them up on the internet. So just broke off the leaf and took it way down in the yard and let them go in a brush. Can't just kill every bug you see on your plants.

Found an interesting site about the way Neem Oil acts as an insecticide...link below


Leaf footed 1st instars (<5 days old), I seek them out and kill with vengence. Dawn is usually enough to kill them in the first two stages. After that, simple green or neem + dawn.

If your neighbors have fruit trees (apple, pomegranates, peaches, pears, etc) they'll thank you for the work ;)
definitely nymps for leaf footed bugs...

kill kill kill

Also D.E. mixed with water would be a waste of money... when DE gets wet, it no longer works and must be re-applied.