Neil S Scorpion - Anyone grown/growing?

Hey guys, haven't been on in a while.
Just wondering if anyone has grown the "Neil S Scorpion" from the Hippy Seed Company?  They state they haven't had any pepper hotter than it yet (and they eat everything they grow) - wanted to see if anyone has grown and tried these. 
I have the seed but opted not to grow them since I started so many other varieties.  I think I might try growing it anyways.
They have been growing and improving their strain for a while now.  I'm sure it's a fantastic pepper.
Yeah I have bought seed for them in years past - always great stuff.  I hope I can find someone willing to sell me 2 to 3 pods to try later this year.
For sure.
I've been growing their yellow 7 pod and naga morich for the last 8 years.
You should try posting an ad later on in the growing season.  There are plenty of generous people here.
bigbodybussey said:
Hey guys, haven't been on in a while.
Just wondering if anyone has grown the "Neil S Scorpion" from the Hippy Seed Company?  They state they haven't had any pepper hotter than it yet (and they eat everything they grow) - wanted to see if anyone has grown and tried these.
I was looking at their seeds last night for next season, it looks like a cracker, pity they are sold out atm. That said fresh seeds are probably a month away given we just hit Autumn.
I'm growing this one this year. Will post pics once I get pods. Bought these, the Chuck Norris Moruga, THSC Choc Scorpion, and a couple others