Nesco for Jerky

I am looking at getting a dehydrator in the next couple days. I would use it for both peppers and jerky. I see that the nesco and excalibur are the two most popular on here. Does anyone use the Nesco for jerky too? How are the results from that?
i use my nesco FD80 and have done jerky, various peppers, bananas, apples, kale chips, herbs(oregano & mint) and am just investigating on dehydrating cherries.
the fd80 came with 2 packets of jerky spice and 2 packets of curing salt - it tasted fine, my girls cheered everytime i gave them a piece. it comes with a booklet that also includes a jerky recipe.
Didn't have any problems with the heat from doing jerky? I have read that for the best jerky it needs to be done as cool as possible with as much airflow as possible.
They work good for peppers, other veggies and such...but I hate them for jerky...a pain in the butt to clean....even after spraying with oil.
If you have a gas oven....that's best for jerky....impale jerky strips on a SS skewer and hang from oven grates with two "S" hooks.
That's what I have is a Nesco. Well really my sister got it for a wedding gift and used it 2 times and hated it I took it from her. We make lots of jerky with it. I haven't tired anything else much with it. But I got some good ideas here thank you everyone.