New blog

I just started blogging, very new to this domain. Found it somewhat nice as I love to acquire/share experience/knowledge. Here is the address below:
Would be nice to get some suggestion anyway :)
Hey, joydeep, :welcome: to THP from the Pacific NorthWest USA! Wilkommen!
Like your composting system; same way I do it! Looking forward to getting
your take on 'pepper-culture'
Vielen Dank to both of you 3/5 King and Paul.
I just created another post how to get free heirloom seeds. Hope you all get some time to read that article.
Just wanted to mention that somehow managed to write down one spicy curry recipe which I usually eat a lot.

And waiting for my hot chili peppers to grow to make a FLAME CURRY
I always thought the KISS philosophy was Keep It Simple Stupid!