New follower from Belgium

Hello guys and girls,
My name is Olivier but u all can call me Ollie or Oli whatever suits u best :D I'm from Belgium, yeah, that tiny little country
in Europe that didnt have a gouvernment for more then 500 days after elections :party:
Scince a few weeks ago I found this forum as I was looking for info about growing hot peppers and find this forum
very usefull. Certainly after I read the so abundant replies from users to help and inform others! Thats just cool!
This year (2013) I started my first grow of hot peppers, they are : Hot Portugal, Bhut Jolokia Yellow and Pimenta de Neyde.
I also recently received some seeds from a dutch website so I started germinating them to (7 pod Brain Strain, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and Caloro).
Knowing the growing season is about to end I'm planning to continue growing indoors. 600W HPS lamp is present :P
Stupidly enough we had (like some other growers i read) a very late start of springtime (it was cold here till end may) so the
first seeds started germinating end of may (I know, dumb me couldent start earlier, which will be different next season as we will have hopefully
nice overwintered plants).
I'd very much like to post some pic's here on the forum, but I will need some help doing that (Allready tried via tinypic but the forum just wont let me)
All help and info is welcome, as I will also comment and try to help others about what I know.
Making food is one of my favorite hobbies so I'd be glad to also share my knowledge and my personal recipes (allready one in the food and beverage topics, recipe for Bolognaise sauce)
Happy to be here among you guys and girls and hope to share info, give and get help so everybody's getting better of it ;)
Cheers to all and see u on the forum!

Well now daim, i found it how to post pictures lol :)
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Hey Devils, where are you from exactly? If the season turns out to be short for you I can hook you up with some fresh bhuts or something else you'd like to try, my plants are absolutely filled with them!
Johnaton said:
Hey Devils, where are you from exactly? If the season turns out to be short for you I can hook you up with some fresh bhuts or something else you'd like to try, my plants are absolutely filled with them!
I'm from Aalst (East-Flanders) and your offer is very much appreciated bro!!
Still I hope to be able to harvest this year as I'm also using HPS lights.
check out my picture posts abt my grow if u want to :
Cheers and speak to u soon bro!