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New great- grandaughter

I almst got ya igg...

Rh factor w/ mom..long before they had the shot to correct it, weighed 2.2 lbs at birth..in the 1960's...then also had Scarlet fever at 2-3yrs old. Oh, and I wasn't taken to teh hospital for it...(I don't remember much cept puking a lot, a high fever and lots of ginger ale) Seems I had a 106-107 temp for awhile...which explains my slightly slurred speech.

Oh, and I had massive chicken pox at 28 (!) ...nearly died from taht too.
Almost fell off a mountain too once...truly hangin' by a not-very-anchored shrub.

The only reason I'm alive is well, something out there likes me a lot.
QuadShotz said:
I almst got ya igg...

Rh factor w/ mom..long before they had the shot to correct it, weighed 2.2 lbs at birth..in the 1960's...then also had Scarlet fever at 2-3yrs old. Oh, and I wasn't taken to teh hospital for it...(I don't remember much cept puking a lot, a high fever and lots of ginger ale) Seems I had a 106-107 temp for awhile...which explains my slightly slurred speech.

Oh, and I had massive chicken pox at 28 (!) ...nearly died from taht too.
Almost fell off a mountain too once...truly hangin' by a not-very-anchored shrub.

The only reason I'm alive is well, something out there likes me a lot.
I got ya beat with the chicken pox. I had a sever case of them. They were up my nose, in my mouth, in my eyes. I have a ton of scares from them.

I also almost lost my left hand due to compartment syndrom, staff infection, and unknown fungus (which is now named after me) attacked it all at once after I had stabbed my hand. Left me in the hospitle for 3 months.

I've been run over, fallen out of trees, gashed open, broken apart, had 1/4 of my throat taken out...........what...when did this turn into an injury pissing contest? :lol:
Praying for Alicia's speedy recovery. I'm very happy her will is so strong!

Quad & Iggy and their injury pissing contest. I'm sorry you 2 went through so much, but the way you 2 presented it gave me some giggles for today. Thanks.
Heh, happy to be of service....*goes and hides now*
