New Grower - Have A Look

Hey everybody, after a busy week of work, catching up on the forum.  I wanted to share a couple pics of my plants.
I started them from seed at the end of January under some grow lamps.  Had them in 3 gallon pots until about two weeks ago.  I have them in 10 gallon pots now based on a recommendation by a THP member.
I think I may have kept them inside too long (I was worried about them being outside in the high heat), but right now I have a Savina and Trinidad Scorpion which appear to be doing pretty good overall.  They're outside full time and I estimate get about 6 or 7 hours of full sun.  The temps have been mid to high 90s the past couple of weeks here in South Carolina.
I check them daily now to see if any flowers have started, but not yet.  I'm not worried since that won't help the plants start flowering, but it sure would be nice to see some pods :P
Please take a look, poke, and generally peruse my plant pics.  I'm learning more and more, but really enjoy learning from you guys and hearing your input.
My Trinidad Scorpion.  Hoping for lots of peppers :)
Savina - probably my best grower
Same Savina - just added some support since he was leaning pretty heavy.

After I posted it looks like just a link to the pics, but they're not showing up on the post.  I'll figure it out, but hopefully you guys can see them.
Thanks, I've just used regular plant potting soil from Lowes.  Should I add anything at this point or let them be?

Figured out how to post images directly in the post.  Same as the ones in my OP but easier to see now.

My hab looked like that about 2 weeks it is a 1 1/2 foot bush with 8 pods already. One they start growing they grow pretty quick. My chocolate scorpion should pod soon. Lots and lots of flower buds just waiting to open...and that was a stick with 5 leaves 3 weeks ago.
Hey congrats! By no means do i mean to rain on your parade, but im up in canada and started my plants in jan/feb...and every single plant is producing some fruit so called green house is a forest of about 12 pepper plants. I use 1/3 sand, 1/3 manure, 1/3 potting soil as a soil mix.
 keep in mind the weather up here is nothing like what you get, so i fell extremely fortunate! If im getting the results im getting...those babies should be wayyyyy ahead of mine. I no you guys get some extreme heat down there, u should maybe look into getting a shade cloth? Im sure someone with more experience could help...just my $.02
Anyways keep up the faith! there will be fruit on there any day now!  :P
Thanks for the info badnews.  It's good to hear what other growers experience.  I think I definitely kept them inside too long.  I looked at my plants yesterday and a lot of flower buds are starting to grow, so hopefully will see some pods soon.  This is my first year, so I have a lot to learn :P  Your plants look great, hope you get lots more peppers.
Looking good Mike!
Yeah, at least 5 gallon containers are what I recommend.
My plants are in 5 Gallon buckets with numerous holes for drainage.
If you get temps above 95, you may want to shield your containers. I use plywood.
This will keep your roots cooler to avoid flower drop.
As far as soil..I was introduced to Pro-mix and haven't looked back :)