New Grower in Guatemala

Hello everyone,

I know I am basically making this as easy as it possibly could be by living in Cobán and by having some coworkers deliver live plants from surrounding communities for me to grow in my yard. But just watching them grow for the past month and already having my mouth watering for what is to come makes me pretty sure that I am going to bring seeds north and try doing it the hard way next season in NJ, all having to germinate first and what not. What I am told I have is some "siete ollas" (7 pot), and coban/cobanero (obviously). Both of these plants are generally grown at lower elevations in somewhat warmer climates (despite what the name "coban" suggests, which I guess mostly refers to where all that chili ends up being sold at market, not to where it's grown). The last two months have been nice and warm here, but we'll see how these guys do once the rainy season starts in June. Fingers crossed.

Be well
Well combed! :)

There must be some great local varieties down there. If I were in your shoes I'd create a little cache of local seeds and trade them with members on this forum. Lots of people would be glad to have some Guatemalan seeds.
:welcome:[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background]Greetings from North Carolina !

Add another vote for you collecting a stash of seeds from local chili varieties.