fertilizer New guy...have I over fertilized? What have I done?!?!

Hey, team!
New to the game here...tried growing habs two years ago, but after the fruit set (they were yellow), they got root bound and died.  Trying again this year!  Built garden boxes, they have been outside for about two weeks now.  Anyhow, let's get to the point...I think ive over fertilized?  The TIPS of new leaves on a few of them look burned, but the main leaves are okay for the most part, aside from a few pests gnawing on some of them.  I'll include a photo here below, thoughts?  Ive read that phosphorous deficiency could cause this, but I used some Bone meal two weeks ago, and again yesterday, so I don't think that is an issue.  Been using 5-1-1 Alaska Fish fertilizer, thoughts? Help?

Also, that is a Spicy mustard hab if anyone is curious.
dont do shit.
Leave them be for a bit.
If you start pouring "insert random thing" into the soil to "fix" whats wrong, you will most likely make them worse(including pouring tons of water into the soil).
It has taken a lot for me to get to the point of saying "hmm, lets let things settle in for a bit and see what happens" before doing anything.  Plants are like people, you cant give a person an anti-biotic and the infection is gone in 30 minutes.  Give your plants some time and see what happens.
rjacobs said:
dont do shit.
Leave them be for a bit.
If you start pouring "insert random thing" into the soil to "fix" whats wrong, you will most likely make them worse(including pouring tons of water into the soil).
It has taken a lot for me to get to the point of saying "hmm, lets let things settle in for a bit and see what happens" before doing anything.  Plants are like people, you cant give a person an anti-biotic and the infection is gone in 30 minutes.  Give your plants some time and see what happens.
Thanks, all!
I was using 1tbs fish fert/gallon, sounds like I over did it there.  I did harden them off, but these havent started showing symptoms like this until now...been outside now full time for about 3 weeks
Hawaiianero said:
Yeah I'm thinking sunburn. Are you foliar spraying too? Don't do it in direct sun.
Also, I have been using formula of 2tbs epsom salt foliar spray on alternating weeks, yea.  
that actually looks like very early ammonium toxicity? did this show up during a cold weather period?  is your soil rich in organic material?
can you check the roots for brown dead tips?
mpicante said:
I think and this is my opininon.Potassium.
excess or lack?

queequeg152 said:
that actually looks like very early ammonium toxicity? did this show up during a cold weather period?  is your soil rich in organic material?

can you check the roots for brown dead tips?
 I just looked at them, the few root tips I saw are white and look okay to me!  Should I flush them to be safe? What causes this excess?
hndrx1477 said:
excess or lack?

 I just looked at them, the few root tips I saw are white and look okay to me!  Should I flush them to be safe? What causes this excess?
Lack of potassium
which is where epson salt will prove out,that and calcium too
Old school gardening didnt have ph test and other trinkets
There are tested methods well advanced in longevity then anyone viewing this board as ever seen
Its the simple stuff that trips up all those education degree's :)
mpicante said:
I think and this is my opininon.Potassium.
TNKS said:
which is where epson salt will prove out,that and calcium too
Old school gardening didnt have ph test and other trinkets
There are tested methods well advanced in longevity then anyone viewing this board as ever seen
Its the simple stuff that trips up all those education degree's :)
TNKS said:
which is where epson salt will prove out,that and calcium too
Old school gardening didnt have ph test and other trinkets
There are tested methods well advanced in longevity then anyone viewing this board as ever seen
Its the simple stuff that trips up all those education degree's :)
So you're saying Epsom and calcium will
hndrx1477 said:
I just looked at them, the few root tips I saw are white and look okay to me!  Should I flush them to be safe? What causes this excess?
its probably not ammonium toxicity then. excess can be caused by cold temps as soil microbs slow down. when it warms up again it usually goes away.

ammonium is very difficult to wash out of soil, so flushing will not do much unless you have an insane excess.

i asked earlier... but did this show up during a cold spell?
No Sir
I very cleary said epson salt can clue you to mineral deficiency.
Mag and phos come to easy from many,many sources.
Entire multi acre farms are dusted with simple epson salt early season.
Ph meters and anal crutchs are for the small time grows of those that over think the simple things of growing a fruiting plant

hndrx1477 said:
So you're saying Epsom and calcium will
Refer to first 2 replies.
Let it be for at least a week to see if foliage recovers.
Basic formula:
Water deeply but not often. Pepper roots like a little dryness too. Obviously if its wilting then you waited too long between waterings but peppers bounce back quickly from that.
No misting. Keep foliage dry, especially if there is a chance that some of the tips might die off. You would create a perfect breeding ground for mold/disease.
Once everything goes back to normal, mist only in early morning allowing time to dry before direct sunlight hits.
Late afternoon can work but you don't want too much moisture on pepper plants over night.
In my experience, simpler is better. Every time I tried to use the next best greatest thing I end up killing some plants.
Best of luck to you.