New member here...

Hey everyone, what a great resource you all are proving to be. I'm in Waco, TX and in my first season of pepper growing with seeds I bought from THSC, plants from Cross Country Nurseries and even a few plants (pequin) from a local nursery. I had intentions of buying some from AJ since I'm in DFW often, but I never managed to find the time.

Had I come here earlier, I'd be further along since I germinated seeds in February in too cool of temperatures (70 to 72 degrees or so) and then put under fluorescents that were 20" above my babies. However, I must say I had near 100% germination on seeds and all the plants I've bought have been healthy and vigorous. They were all hardened off in late early April and all 24 of the plants I didn't give to friends have been outside since and doing well. Y'all showed me how to make a good potting mix, what to feed and how not to over water.

I hope I haven't appeared to be a stalker, but I have found myself intrigued by the knowledge and ingenuity of some of you and have read literally every post you ever started in an effort to gain more insight. Hopefully with a long growing season here and a little luck I'll have at least a decent first season.

When I'm not daydreaming about peppers or reading your posts, I'm doing a long slow home remodel and watching sports. I'm also kind of a salsa making maniac but so far have always been relegated to store bought peppers. Anyway, I'm looking forward to learning more about successful pepper growing and I guess the next order of business is to take the steps required to post pictures. Thanks for the help so far and I'm certain I'll be needing plenty more.
Thank you logchief for posting that link, I knew I'd seen it but assumed I'd have to search to relocate it. I'll do the grow log and sort out the picture posting.

Thanks everyone on the warm welcome. I've set up a photo host account so my next post should be a grow log and some pictures.