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New starwars

Well, Luke did turn to the dark side for a period of time in Dark Empire. So he did follow his father's path. But he was brought back from the dark side with the help of Leia, and it made him a stronger Jedi Master as a result.

But this is all "extended universe" canon from the comics/books. It still isn't clear whether or not this stuff will still be considered a part of the official Star Wars storyline once Disney goes balls deep in the franchise.
Yes JH, but Disney seems to be against any books/comics/after stories already in print. Lucas has ideas and a story line, and he will be a consultant on the films, so I have read. I hope he keeps it real. I should have guessed when I bought the yoda/mickey jedi 2 pack years ago from Disney World. Imagine the Disney Easter Eggs in the movies! Should be a hoot!
Yes JH, but Disney seems to be against any books/comics/after stories already in print.

I don't know if they are against them just yet. They have said that the stories for Episodes VII-IX will be completely original though, which eliminates any of the EU comics/novels from the possibilities. But there is still a chance that they can come up with a storyline that doesn't completely destroy everything that takes place after Return of the Jedi.

Lucas has ideas and a story line, and he will be a consultant on the films, so I have read. I hope he keeps it real.

I hope so too. There have been a lot of interviews he has done over the years that have hinted at what might happen with VII-IX, and I hope that it is about the next generation of the Skywalker family. Each trilogy is supposed to be a generation apart. If Disney deviates from that, it will only alienate all of the long time fans of the franchise, myself included.
My guess is they will try to stay close to accepted star wars canon with the addition of an unsanctioned romance or something to add "hollywood flair." That seems to be what usually happens when the movie industry takes on a big popular project that everyone is anticipating. Seems they usually do a good job sticking close enough to the story for everyone except for the fanatical fans to enjoy.
JH, I'm a collector and in tune with the SW Universe. I read that Disney wanted to go in a different direction, yet Lucas is "guiding" them on the details of the "franchise" which means he is telling them to keep it real or lose the money he sold out for. Retirement by arse. Where is the pre 1977 hungry and creative Lucas that launched a legacy on a shoe string budget? He was hungry then, and now, well... you decide. The dedicated fans are the potential losers here.

Alienating the fans is the least of concerns. The value of the aftermarket products would be a catastrophe. Going back to 1977!

edit to JH...
I'm curious if they still plan on releasing one episode per year in 3D. Episode VI would land in 2017. If they are eyeing a 2015 release for episode VII you would think they would do it in 3D and have the previous 6 re-released (or in some cases re-re-released.
JH, I'm a collector and in tune with the SW Universe.

I'm not much of a collector, but I've been a fan of Star Wars ever since I saw ROTJ in theaters as a kid. When I was 12, I read Heir to the Empire, and it reignited my fandom for that galaxy far, far away. Since then, I've read all of the novels from The Truce at Bakura to the Young Jedi Knights series. I tried getting into the whole New Jedi Order thing too. But when they killed off Chewbacca by having a moon fall on him, I lost interest in any of the other books from that period.

The only real SW "collectible" I have is an autographed hardcover of the Shadows of the Empire comic book, which is my favorite one off story from the entire universe. Other than that, I just have a bunch of novels.

I read that Disney wanted to go in a different direction, yet Lucas is "guiding" them on the details of the "franchise" which means he is telling them to keep it real or lose the money he sold out for. Retirement by arse.

Honestly, I'm glad that George is still involved in some capacity, if only to make sure that Disney doesn't butcher the franchise. Because if they did end up going in a different direction than the original storyline, then they might as well just clone 1 trillion Jar Jars and have the entire trilogy revolve around them taking over the entire universe.

Where is the pre 1977 hungry and creative Lucas that launched a legacy on a shoe string budget? He was hungry then, and now, well... you decide. The dedicated fans are the potential losers here.

And I sincerely believe that Disney is aware of this. They aren't stupid. For the sake of making the most money from the next SW trilogy, they need to cater to the old school fans, while at the same time making the films appeal to younger audiences. To completely disregard the people who have been fans since the original trilogy came out would be franchise suicide.

Alienating the fans is the least of concerns. The value of the aftermarket products would be a catastrophe. Going back to 1977!

True that. Some of those old school SW toys/collectibles are worth a lot of money. If Disney dropped a giant deuce on the universe, the value of a lot of those could plummet with a quickness.
Got ya JH! My friends told me that SW was awesome. At the time, I was into WWII movies and books so I blew it off. My family went to the drive-in to see it when I was 8 in 1977. (HOLY CRAP now I feel old. Thanks JH!) When Darth came through the Tantive IV's bulkhead and I saw him... Holy Yikes! Hooked instantly. Unfortunately WTF didn't exist back in the old days but I'm pretty sure that was my thinking!

I've been collecting ever since. I have a lot of unopened figures from then, and I was in HS with a job when the line was dying and evrything went on sale... KA-CHING! I was too old to open and play with them then. I bought all the stuff Santa didn't buy that I wanted and put them in my closet. Now they are in my basement.

In 1995 the new figures came out and I have hundreds of them, ships, plush, etc... But the value just isn't the same. Unless you have key rare pieces. Oh well! I mostly chase Stormtrooper/Clone trooper figures now, if at all.
As serious as a heart attack. If you want to read the novel, it is "Vector Prime" by R.A. Salvatore. It is the very first book in the New Jedi Order series.
In the movie line the only acceptable way for Chewbacca to die would be in a fight with a Mandalorian who claims his Wookie braid, after Chewie wasted lots of Mandalorian warriors, with his son Chewie II, like Jango and Boba Fett. Boba got robbed in ROTJ. Not the right way to go out.

And when will there be Wookie Jedi?
Wasn't Chewbacca's nephew a jedi with the Solo kids? I'm pretty sure there has been a couple of wookie jedis in comics at least.
Not sure. I'm trying to stay on target with the original movie lines. In theory, every stormtrooper/clone is.... a Mandelorian warrior! And now that you bring it up, did Chewie ever get married or did he just go around slapping Han's arse all the time?
In the movie line the only acceptable way for Chewbacca to die would be in a fight with a Mandalorian who claims his Wookie braid, after Chewie wasted lots of Mandalorian warriors, with his son Chewie II, like Jango and Boba Fett. Boba got robbed in ROTJ. Not the right way to go out.

And when will there be Wookie Jedi?

Boba didn't die in Return of the Jedi. The Sarlacc didn't find him very digestible, and he eventually escaped. He made many more appearances in future SW novels/comics.

Wasn't Chewbacca's nephew a jedi with the Solo kids? I'm pretty sure there has been a couple of wookie jedis in comics at least.

Lowbacca is his name.
the more i think all about this,the more i think that the movies will be awesome! im sure disney wants sw to be more popular than it allready is,they aint going to screw this up,no matter where the story goes its going to be dope if we dont except them to do what" we" would do.
So a friend suggested the other day, how awesome would it be if Joss Whedon was chosen to direct. With all his amazing genre work, particularly dollhouse, avengers, and the much too short lived firefly, I nearly wet myself just thinking about it.
