new to chilli growing

I am an aussie, who loves gardening and especially plants we can get produce from.

I purchased my first chilli plant a couple of months ago, and it's been growing really well, and producing some peppers which are getting bigger every day. I had my chilli plant in the part shady section of my yard, and recently read that they love full sun. So, I put them out in the full sun. In the last couple days I noticed the plant has brown spots on the leaves, and the leaves aren't nice and green like they usually are the peppers seem to be fine though. I have put it back in the part shade, as it's the middle of summer, and I am not sure if the plant liked it. I also gave it a good dose of Powerfeed, so now I am wondering if I have done something wrong.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.



Not our HOT Aussie sun, they don't! (I heard the same thing when I started growing but soon learned very differently. ;))

Semi-shade is good. But other than that, things like mulching and feeding with seaweed should help. This current season is actually my first time *really* feeding with seaweed (I've used it before in the form of fish and seaweed, etc, but never on it's own) and I must say the results are certainly noticeable. Although the sun is still getting to some of them, the majority of my plants are really tolerating the sun far more than they ever have in the past.

I'm sure Powerfeed contains seaweed, doesn't it? Perhaps get some seaweed on it's own too so you can really give your plants a good feed without overdoing the ferts.

Oh yeah, and don't forget about "hardening off." If you've had your plants in a shady area for some time, it's best to gradually introduce them into the full sun. Start with an hour or two in morning sun and gradually increase the time they are out there.

And the first pic... it looks like something is eating the leaf.
Yeah, thanks for your reply. I thought I must have scared it by putting it out in the full sun. I will try the seaweed, yes I think Powerfeed does have seaweed, it certainly smells like like it.

I am not sure what is eating it, I did see a little black bug on it the other day and squished it, I looked it up and it may be a flea beetle, never seen one in my life.

From reading this, it looks like you might be right about the flea beetles.

Welcome from Oregon!
Hi, thanks everyone for your welcomes.

Talking about the flea beetle, I saw another one this morning, so I killed it. Any suggestions how to get rid of them.

The leaves on my chilli plant are still yellow,and they fall off easily. Any advise, anyone?
Well hello there little lady from your little brother, to get rid of the bugs maybe you could try a chilli water mix spray.. oh wait it is already a chilli.
I would ask the local nursery for something I don't know if you can use a white oil spray or the likes..
Other then that you may have to get a rocking chair and sit at the plant and pick them off.
Hey I can send you some seeds of other different varieties also I have been collecting.. maybe it needs some friends - safety in numbers.