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seeds New to growing peppers from seeds

Hey guys, back again, been super busy lately and haven't given my peppers alot of attention lately. Pretty much all of my peppers have sprouted their true leaves and some have gotten fairly big given they're still in the small starter cells. Now I plan on transplanting them to the red solo cups at this point. I did manage to get a 60lb bag of ProMix BX from Delaware a couple weeks ago so my question is, with the red solo cups would I use the ProMix or more seed starting mix?
I would move onto the ProMix, or another potting medium. I use MG, and when I transplant to the solo cups they go in the MG potting soil.
definately promix, the seed starting medium is ultra light and doesnt retain water to well to prevent damping off, once your sprouts roots start growing more they will suck all the water out of that mix quickly and u will be watering all the time plus there arent alot of nutes in the starter soil, for good developement and better growth u will want a better soil JMO
Back again. I have moved my seedlings over to the solo cups with pro mix and have noticed that two of my plants are starting to develop this purplish color on their leaves. Also, another thing that I was wondering was - what does the color of a plants stem tell you? Some of mine are purple while some are green. I'd post pictures right now but I'm on my phone
well certain varieties will have purple or almost black stems or leaves, nubian, black hungarian, black pearl, purple ufo, venezuelan purple, maui purple, etc. others can develope what basically is like sunburn, it is not harmful to them, it is just a reaction to the light
glad to hear it is going well
Pictures would help... However, purple leaves and stem is a sign of stress... Here in Fl, the most common stresser is the sun. Usually it means nothing. The chemical that causes the color is called anthrocyanin, and functions like a sun screen. Over-watering is another cause of things turning purple. Be sure you aren't doing that... Pictures could help :)
And as far as lighting and moving to bigger pots... Once you get several sprouts, putting them under a fluorescent light isn't a bad idea

Is it ok to NOT put a sprouting seed under lights the day it pops up and to wait until there are more than one before turning the light on? I ask because I have one seed that has popped out of 72 cells so far and not sure if I need to put the light on it asap.
Is it ok to NOT put a sprouting seed under lights the day it pops up and to wait until there are more than one before turning the light on? I ask because I have one seed that has popped out of 72 cells so far and not sure if I need to put the light on it asap.
I would go head and put it under the light, the rest of ur seeds should still germinate under the lights, and u dont want to ruin the one u have by making it too leggy and weak, which is what will happen growing a sprout w/o enough light JMO
Thank you Chile_freak. What about the dome? Off or leave it on? It's about 2 1/2" tall. This is a Biker Billy Jalapeno and all the other seeds that have yet to sprout are 'super hots'. This is the 5th day since I've started this round of trying to germinate seeds.
Just realized photobucket has an iPhone app to upload pictures. My apologies if they're large. There isn't an option to resize. Below are the pictures of my Bhuts with the purple stem and purple-ish leaves


My 3 day old Red Bhut sprout has a purple stem and my yellow 7pod and jalapeno have green ones. Doesn't seem to be 'hurting' the sprout..so I'm happy :)
Just realized photobucket has an iPhone app to upload pictures. My apologies if they're large. There isn't an option to resize. Below are the pictures of my Bhuts with the purple stem and purple-ish leaves [/quote][/sup]

[sup]How old are those MW215? [/sup]
I believe I started the seeds the first week of March - maybe the 6th or 7th.

One question since all of my seedling have pretty much sprouted their true leaves. I saw a video on YouTube of a guy using fertilizer on his after the first set of true leaves sprout. I bought MG Tomato food. I believe it's the powder. Should I start lightly feeding the plants now?
it is ok to fertilize lightly but be careful, 1/8 or 1/10 strength i would say, after the first set of true leaves I fertilize at 1/8 strength every other week
Ok so I'm finally about to feed my plants for the first time. I have Miracle Gro Tomato Plant Food and with the note from Chile_Freak above its suggested to feed 1/8 or 1/10 the strength. Now the directions on the package say to mix one tablespoon for every gallon of water.

Now after some research online since I'm bad with math and conversions I came across this:
"since one tablespoon = three teaspoons, 1/10 of a tablespoon should be .3 of a teaspoon; roughly 1/3 of a teaspoon. "

With that said, is that correct? To mix 1/3 of a teaspoon with a gallon of water?
yep that is about right, 1/3 tsp for a gallon sounds perfect, MG tomato fertilizer is 18-18-21 any more than a 1/3 to 1/2 a tsp and you might risk fert burn on ur babies! you want to feed them a bit, but the really just need a drop of NPK @ this point, u can up the regiment a bit when they are mature enough to transplant
Hey guys, back with an update. Sorry it's been so long. Been busy with so many things.

My plants have surprised me with their growth. Already got little buds popping on a bunch of them. A few of them have shot past others (in height) and I'm guessing it's because of my cramped condition underneath my light. It's very rewarding to see plants grow from seed. It still amazes me that a lush plant can grow from a tiny seed.

Below are some pictures taken this morning.


