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New Wave T5 2 Foot 2 Bulb

If you just want to keep them alive then they should be ok just near a window. Your extra light will encourage them to keep growing/producing which may not be what you want. I personally don't want to see much new growth until maybe Late February or March otherwise they quickly outgrow my lights and my space
I don't have any good window space to set them by so that's why I went with the light. I moved them in Oct 5th and have them on 24 hours of light right now. Cutting back to 16 soon.

The new growth came much faster than expected so my plan was to keep cutting them back over the next few months so they stay within the space I have. I would think that would set them up nicely for spring - they should have big fat stalks at that point and be ready explode with growth when repotted and put back outside. Are there pros/cons to letting them grow and cutting them back vs lowering light and slowing growth? I won't be able to put them back outside until late April/early May so I have long ways to go.

Thanks for the tip on pinching flowers...have not seen any yet but will kill them quickly if I do. This is my first time overwintering anything so tips & advice are more than welcome:)
Well if you just want to keep them alive you really only need indirect light, and probably only about 6 hours. Too much light and you'll no longer have semi-dormant plants and you'll be outgrowing your lights very quickly
Update...the plants are doing great...so much so that I've already cut them back again to stay within my space/light area. The growth is thick/dense and I'm pulling flowers like crazy. I've only watered them twice...once in mid Nov and once more in late Dec. These things should explode with growth when I put them back outside in April/May.
Couple shots...


