Newbie after some advice

Stufat said:
How deep should the seeds be buried for future reference?
The site i was using as a guide the first time round said not to bury them too deep as they could use all there energy trying to break the surface and then just die off. It reccomended just 2-3mm under surface.
It's OK to sow the seeds 2-3mm under the surface, but when transplanting the seedlings you should plant them deeper, so the soil is just below the cotyledons.  Then have a fan blowing on them for at least a couple of hours a day to strengthen the stems.  I keep my fan several feet away at first and gradually move it closer each day and keep rotating the plants so the fan hits them from different directions.
Guys, I need your help again, sorry.
All your previous advice has worked a treat. The plants have grown strong, they have flowered and I have my first ever chilis, all 2 of them at moment!!

Thing is, I ordered lemon drops and what has grown are...........well, not sure.
Any ideas?



Someone has suggested to me they are cayenne purple, all the purple chilis I google tho have purple flowers.
