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Newbie Hot Sauce Question

I just started making fermented hot sauce.  The instructions had me blend up the peppers and then ferment.  After that it had me strain the mash into a sauce pan and then boil to the thickness desired.  I have been reading posts here and it seems some ferment and then boil the whole mash,  then blend, strain, and boil to thickness desired.   What is the right way to do it or is it just preference?   Thanks for your help.
hot stuff said:
Just preference.  I don't even boil if I fermented down to <3.9pH.  I may put it through a blender or food processor.  No reason to boil down unless you just don't like the consistency.
Purely personal preference PC - you don't have to boil at all technically.  For some sauces I want them to cook down and others I leave as is.  Welcome to the forum!  We're glad to have you.  :)
Greetings and welcome,
I very seldom cook a fermented mash because I want to retain the beneficial lacto bacteria. . I store them in the fridge and add/blend with other ingredients prior to serving.
That being said, when I have a larger harvest season than I have room to store in the fridge, (or that my missus can tolerate) I will cook and pressure can the fermented mash based on  AJ's recipe (using less salt & minus the vinegar).