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Newbie Sauce

This is my second year attempting to make sauce. First year I made nothing worth repeating, nothing bad just not great. However thanks to all the information you guys provide on this forum and downright copying, I think I am starting to make some progress. Small batches are the norm until I get something perfected. Here is tonight’s concoction:
Started with 3 Yellow 7 Pots, 3 Fataliis, and 3 Bhut Jolokias. I didn’t know if the red pepper would blend well with the yellows but what the heck, I have no experience and it’s probably going to be too hot for me to taste anyway! Not pictured is a little vinegar and sugar.

Cooking it up outside so I don’t upset the family!

About 15 minutes and everything is getting pretty soft except for the pineapple.

In the blender, at which time I added a little honey, sugar, lime juice and vinegar.

Low simmer for another 20 minutes and time for a taste. Wow it’s really hot but not as bad as I was expecting! I can’t say that either the mango or pineapple is dominating. Pretty sweet but that’s what I was shooting for. Had a pretty strong vinegar smell while cooking but I cant say I detect it in the taste. This turned out better than I was expecting.

Time for a 10 minute bath.

Just realized my tongue is still burning 20 minutes later! Finished product is on the left. I included a few others I made over the last week. Second from the left is a sauce made from about 15 Jamaican Hot Chocolates, peach, onion, garlic, salt, worcestershire, and brown sugar. Turned out pretty good but not as good as what I just made. Third from the left is a cayenne sauce. Used a bunch of Ring Of Fires, ketchup, onion, garlic, salt, lime, and vinegar. This also turned out better than I expected, hotter than I thought I would get from the cayennes. On the right is a sauce made from about 6 red jalapenos, 15 Scotch Bonnets, salt lime, and vinegar. This one didn’t do a lot for me as far as the taste but it is extremely hot!

What I really need to do is order some of the professionally made sauces that you guys are making to give me something to shoot for. This is going to get addicting!
Looking great! Im experimenting with sauces and salsas myself outside of the traditional "chile" my grandma taught me how to make. Those sound delicious what you got going on. Wanna do a little sauce trade/sampling? I have a few I have been working on myself.