Nigel Nails It!

Yesterday I was collecting some seeds from pods, and as I de-seed I always take the time to “cautiously” taste what I’ve grown. I have watched several reviews on here, so usually I know what I’m up against especially when tasting something new.
So as the un-ominous looking Clavo Red lie in front of me all I could remember was that Nigel said something about them being sweet and having less heat than a Habanero.  So with that in mind I popped one in my mouth and as I chewed it I thought wow Nigel’s right. Nice flavor, pretty hot for me, but not overwhelming or death defying.
Then bam! I swear that little pepper started attacking me. It felt like pens and needles or a nest of hornets was in my mouth. I thought whoa now!  Nigel got this one all wrong, or he is completely numb to anything other than a super-hot! It was not as hot as some peppers I have already tried this season, but it was painfully aggressive like something I have never experienced before.
Then later in the day I replayed Nigel’s video back as if in some way to justify myself. And everything was just as I thought, until about 5:30 minutes into the video Nigel describes everything I went through. How did I miss that part, he said its “slightly spiky, slightly pointy heat, its prickly”! Ok Nigel not exactly “slightly” for this greenhorn. Then Nigel very accurately describes how this pain moves around in his mouth. I did not, or would not have been able to describe such a sensation in such a dignified manner as I was being stung to death.
Kudos to you Nigel. You really know how to give an accurate review!
And from now on I believe all make sure I watch “all of” the review before I venture into new territory. 

Beware of these little buggers!
SavinaRed said:
what does the plant look like ?


Here I pulled it away from my other plants so you could get a better look.
I saw you posted that you wanted to see the plant and I thought dang it's 104 outside right now, do I really want to go out there and take a photo. So this ones for you SavinaRed!