• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.


:doh: Just knock a tray full of seedlings over so taken the brave idea on transplanting in to bigger cups hope they be ok :pray: :pray:
I did a similar thing and its been 24 hours and they seem to like there new home. As long as they werent disturbed you should be fine. My seperated into 4 soil sections so I just stuck that in a pot and dumped in my soil and lightly watered since the soil was a bit too moist.
:doh: Just knock a tray full of seedlings over so taken the brave idea on transplanting in to bigger cups hope they be ok :pray: :pray:

Bless you my fellow chili head, for you have sinned. thou must work hard for redemption! :hell:

Say 10 WT?'s 15 hail marries and kiss the first person you see! every thing will be all right!

Best of luck, SC
Thank all. at least i am not the only one that done it on here. Hopefully I should be getting Trinidad 7 Pot, plant tomorrow so one more to the famliy
Tough love. . . that's all you are giving them. . . tough love. Smack 'em around a little bit and then throw them in their bigger homes. They'll love you for it no matter what! :rofl:
Does the five second rule apply here folks?

Just kidding!! :shh:

I think as long as you didn't break any of the little fellas they'll be fine. :lol:
Don't feel too bad. Mistakes happen sometimes. I dropped an LED panel on one of my peppers last night and broke off half of the branches :P
I was using a fluoro desk lamp to grow a late started sweet chocolate last year, the arm was weak and the lamp tilted over onto the plant through the night, burnt a few leaves, then while i was pruning the burned leaves i dropped the poor plant, so I had to re pot it with new soil, then when i was taking it outside to harden off i dropped it down the stairs... rough life for that one, but it gave me 3 small sized pods, while it was only in a 1 gallon pot. Yours should be fine :)