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nutrients Nute lock out???

I did some research about nute lock out and I'm not sure if my plant applies, but I think that's what it might be??? The plant has hardly grown the last week or so and in my opinion is not looking good! So if it is a nute lock out what do you recommend I do??? Thanks for the help! I'm a noob! :(

Heres a pic The leaves are a bit more yellow then they appear in the pic btw
Nute lock out is usually due to ph issues. Have you checked your ph? It looks more like fert burn to me.

yes I checked the PH it is 6.5-7. I believe all my plants have very close to the same Ph. The plants that are in the Fox Farms are doing great! The others arent! So if its fert burn??? How long should I wait before I feed it again? I will try not feeding it for awhile and see what happens. Maybe I should stop bottom watering it as well??? Anyways, if things dont improve soon, I may transplant it into some Fox Farms potting mix if things dont improve soon
what i would do in your shoes would be to flush the soil wiht regular tap water till lots of water runs out the bottom. then wait ti see how the new growth comes in

here is what i do. i flush the soil water the crap out of it. then wait till the plant wilts(document the days it takes) then i feed, feed every other watering till it gets to the begining of summer then i take a gallon of tap water and flush the soil followed by a 1/2 gallon of fullstrength fert at every watering. i do not test my PH though as i was using PH down for hydro in my soil and found out that it was causing a buildup of phosphorous in the soil and was causing nute lock
Not ph. Not nutes. I'm stumped, but it must have something to do with the soil if that is the only thing different.
Not ph. Not nutes. I'm stumped, but it must have something to do with the soil if that is the only thing different.

I feed them with ferts every other week. Every time I water or feed its bottom feeding/watering. But the plants in the growers professional are yellowing, and the two douglas have leaf curl as well. I'm stumped on this one as well! Maybe its just the doughlas???
Rather then nute lockout how about a simple Nute Deficiency?? Manganese or Suphur Deficiencies often cause upward leaf curl as can Nitrogen (although you will see an obvious yellowing with Nitrogen as well so probably not that). The nutes might hold differently in each medium so one could be deficient while the other may not be so much. Just an idea??
I water them with nutes just prior to posting this video and they actually seem to be looking better now! I think that because the potting mix had no nutes in it. That giving it nutes once every other week wasnt enough? Thats plants can be tricky to deal with lol!