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Nutgrass Invasion!!

I imported some sandy loam soil into a place in the yard mixed with compost and tilled it in. Not long after, it happened and it's everywhere. Opinions on how to control it seeing that most of my research says it's next to impossible to erradicate. Food plant safe solutions anyone???
Sorry none that I know of. Even Monsanto's Roundup won't kill it all and that normally kills everything.
You can't just till it under either you need to be dilligent and pull by hand while trying to get as much roots out as possible.
All you can do is slow it down.
Depending on the size of the area you might be able to build a bonfire on it and sterilize the soil with heat but then you would need to add compost all over again.
Not necessarily getting rid of it but mulching or running weed fabric across your rows should work.  A tarp is a nice cheap alternative to that black fabric
Sorry to here. Even thick mil plastic wont stop it, have seen it go right thru heavy pool liner. Some have had luck with spraying strong solution of vinegar or molasses mixed with water to spray when it emerges. Even if you excavate, those tiny little nut (tubers) will start all over again. You could till and screen to get large nuts then maintain. Best of luck.
I have/had it in my yard.  I spray nutsedge killer in it, but you say you want a food safe option, which I dont know if the nutsedge killer chemical is(doubt it is).  I dont spray it anywhere near my gardens(luckily my backyard doesnt have the nutsedge grass).
Chewi said:
You mean like sticker burrs?
This crap

Thanks guys for all the advice. Looks like ill be hand pulling and covering with weed blocker material until end of season. Then I'm going on the full attack!