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Oddly Shapped Pepper Pods

Hey all,

[I appologize ahead of time for the super large pictures of the chilies]

First time poster and grower of chili peppers. :)

Anyway, onto my problem.

This year I decided to start growing my own hot peppers because I LOVE hot spices. Better to grow them and save money then go buy them at the store. Also the grocery stores around my neighborhood really don't have a variety.

Anywho, after I transplanted the seedlings, and the plants grew.. I noticed that the branches that grow from the main stalk started to turn a purple/black color. What I mean is the area where the branch grows from the main stalk is that odd purple black color... but nothing else. The plants themselves are dark green.

Now, as any gardener I got excited when they started to flower and show pods growing.. but as the weeks went on the pods themselves started to curl and have these weird growths thingies. (pardon my lack of knowledgeable terms)... Also I did pick some of the other plants (which where fine) that where not affected or growing weirdly.. but in about a day the pepper itself started to get really soft and spongy feeling. :( IDK what to do..

Here are a few pictures of the pods themselves.. I'll post up pictures of the plants themselves in a day or two.



Hey all,

[I appologize ahead of time for the super large pictures of the chilies]

First time poster and grower of chili peppers. :)

Anyway, onto my problem.

This year I decided to start growing my own hot peppers because I LOVE hot spices. Better to grow them and save money then go buy them at the store. Also the grocery stores around my neighborhood really don't have a variety.

Anywho, after I transplanted the seedlings, and the plants grew.. I noticed that the branches that grow from the main stalk started to turn a purple/black color. What I mean is the area where the branch grows from the main stalk is that odd purple black color... but nothing else. The plants themselves are dark green.

Now, as any gardener I got excited when they started to flower and show pods growing.. but as the weeks went on the pods themselves started to curl and have these weird growths thingies. (pardon my lack of knowledgeable terms)... Also I did pick some of the other plants (which where fine) that where not affected or growing weirdly.. but in about a day the pepper itself started to get really soft and spongy feeling. :( IDK what to do..

Here are a few pictures of the pods themselves.. I'll post up pictures of the plants themselves in a day or two.



Just happens sometimes man. They aren't all coming off the one plant that way are they? I find mutant/anomaly type fruits now and again. Nothing to worry about unless they start growing teeth! Then you should probably run! :cheers:
Just happens sometimes man. They aren't all coming off the one plant that way are they? I find mutant/anomaly type fruits now and again. Nothing to worry about unless they start growing teeth! Then you should probably run! :cheers:

The curly ones are all coming from the same plant. So I decided to cut them off and see if any new ones decide to grow normal. But only thing I am worried about is if I eat one or cut one and there is a bug or something inside. Lol. I doubt it though.
No reason to worry.

If there was a problem with the pods, like bugs inside or something, then the plant would abort them.

Its safe to eat them if you like. :)
