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One thing we Florida growers DREAD!!!!!

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Meh, I've survived worse. Had direct hits from Francis, Jeanne, and Wilma, and I'm still around :)
Meh, I've survived worse. Had direct hits from Francis, Jeanne, and Wilma, and I'm still around :)
Strange thing is they made landfall up here in Palm Beach and Martin County,
If you where in Hollywood yah didn't see anything like we did up here, everything was shredded we lost lots of plants and trees. Stuff grows back but what a pain in the ass it is to prepare!!!! I lived in Pembroke Pines when Andrew hit we had 100MPH+ sustained winds more than 50 miles from the center and that was a Cat 5.
Yep, I've got the plants pulled up close to the house and it would only take a minute to pull the 6 I have still out onto the back pourch. Not really that worried about it yet but we have a little time yet. Wife is out making sure that the Hurricane kit is up to date.
Strange thing is they made landfall up here in Palm Beach and Martin County,
If you where in Hollywood yah didn't see anything like we did up here, everything was shredded we lost lots of plants and trees. Stuff grows back but what a pain in the ass it is to prepare!!!! I lived in Pembroke Pines when Andrew hit we had 100MPH+ sustained winds more than 50 miles from the center and that was a Cat 5.

I actually lived in Jupiter when those three hit back in '04 and '05
Couldn't stand the winters in Ohio, but that may be due to the fact that the driveway of the house I was living in had a very steep incline. Made things interesting when I was going to and from work everyday