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OK Lady !

This deer hunter, Decided to take his wife hunting for the first time as she was constantly begging him to take her..He finally did. They got into the woods he put her up in her stand and went and got up in his. A few minutes had passed and he heard a gun shot "BOOM BOOM" He knew it was her shooting and went to help her , on his way there he heard these voices back and forth arguing when he arrived there was a man standing there fussing with his wife..The man said look lady, you can have your deer, just let me get my saddle off him.. :lol:
Wow. You know, the 1950's were over more than 50 years ago. As a highly-educated, intelligent woman, I find that offensive. I don't know of any women who are too stupid to know the difference between a horse and a deer. What's next - racist jokes?
Wow. You know, the 1950's were over more than 50 years ago. As a highly-educated, intelligent woman, I find that offensive. I don't know of any women who are too stupid to know the difference between a horse and a deer. What's next - racist jokes?

Um its a joke? Why so serious?
You do not understand because you are not someone who has been discriminated against simply because you are part of a group that ignorant people choose to demean. Consider this:

I was an employee at a company and was a top performer. I was the go-to person for everyone else in the department - if they didn't know how to do something, they came to me for answers. When a more senior position opened up, everyone "knew" I was going to get the promotion and corresponding raise. I didn't. Who did? A guy who spent at least half of every day making personal calls, who literally did less than a tenth the amount of work I did, plus the quality on what little work he did was shabby. No one in the department respected him, and everyone was shocked that he received the promotion.

What did the department manager tell me? "I know you do more and better work than this guy, and you are extremely respected by everyone both inside and outside this department - you deserve and earned this promotion. But he has a family to raise, so we are giving it to him." Translation: He's a male and you're not. What about me? I was the sole bread-winner for my family, and the department manager knew it. Regardless, what did that have to do with the job? Nothing. This was sexism, pure and simple.

Try putting yourself in my place, and in the place of any other woman/black/jew/etc. who has been discriminated against - how would YOU feel if a woman had been promoted and given a raise over you, simply because she had no penis?

Like racism, sexism is not a joke. It is a serious offense, and is inappropriate to joke about, as is anything intended to demean a group of people simply because they are members of that group.
OK so I appreciate all most all jokes. I understand they are jokes but being a woman I understand Gee's point.

When I was employed I worked in construction. The last 2 years I actually by the grace of God and being the bosses step-daughter I was an assistant superintendent. I literally had 275 guys underneath me that I had to regularly babysit daily. I got respect but I believe that was because of my step-dad being a boss and the fact I had T&A. I have wondered however if my dad wasn't there would they have treated me differently? Anyway its a very hard world for women/races/religions. Like I said I understand its a joke but everyone is entitled to their own thoughts.

BTW there is a "share a joke" thread.
Sorry, Megan, but I have to disagree - people are not entitled to demean others, even in a joking manner.
No Gee. Sorry that's not what I meant. I think people need to aware of what they're joking about and think beforehand. I was actually agreeing with you...
haha,lol bwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. so a black jewish woman walks into a bar :stop: :shame: haha , do not piss the woman around here off,they are fierce! mopeppa you got scorned haha,salsa lady scorned me one time and i have never been the same,i have become a nice young gentleman :halo:
You do not understand because you are not someone who has been discriminated against simply because you are part of a group that ignorant people choose to demean. Consider this:

I was an employee at a company and was a top performer. I was the go-to person for everyone else in the department - if they didn't know how to do something, they came to me for answers. When a more senior position opened up, everyone "knew" I was going to get the promotion and corresponding raise. I didn't. Who did? A guy who spent at least half of every day making personal calls, who literally did less than a tenth the amount of work I did, plus the quality on what little work he did was shabby. No one in the department respected him, and everyone was shocked that he received the promotion.

What did the department manager tell me? "I know you do more and better work than this guy, and you are extremely respected by everyone both inside and outside this department - you deserve and earned this promotion. But he has a family to raise, so we are giving it to him." Translation: He's a male and you're not. What about me? I was the sole bread-winner for my family, and the department manager knew it. Regardless, what did that have to do with the job? Nothing. This was sexism, pure and simple.

Try putting yourself in my place, and in the place of any other woman/black/jew/etc. who has been discriminated against - how would YOU feel if a woman had been promoted and given a raise over you, simply because she had no penis?

Like racism, sexism is not a joke. It is a serious offense, and is inappropriate to joke about, as is anything intended to demean a group of people simply because they are members of that group.

Yep you got the shaft from an obvious TOOL, but its no reason to wear it like Jesus wore his crown, where I work am the only white guy, I don't consider Women or Hispanics a minority, I hope you looked for and found a new job cause working for anyone like that, male or female would suck.

There are stupid people of all colors and creeds and genders telling a joke about a stupid person who happens to be a woman is not sexist, maybe you should work on getting that chip off your shoulder.
No, geeme's assessment is accurate; the "joke" is sexist. Your response is typical of people who wish to defend their supposed right to demean others, rather than learn from a mistake.
This deer hunter, Decided to take his wife hunting for the first time as she was constantly begging him to take her..He finally did. They got into the woods he put her up in her stand and went and got up in his. A few minutes had passed and he heard a gun shot "BOOM BOOM" He knew it was her shooting and went to help her , on his way there he heard these voices back and forth arguing when he arrived there was a man standing there fussing with his wife..The man said look lady, you can have your deer, just let me get my saddle off him.. :lol:

This deer hunter, Decided to take her husband hunting for the first time as he was constantly begging her to take him..She finally did. They got into the woods she put him up in his stand and went and got up in hers. A few minutes had passed and she heard a gun shot "BOOM BOOM" She knew it was him shooting and went to help him , on her way there she heard these voices back and forth arguing when she arrived there was a woman standing there fussing with her husband..The woman said look man, you can have your deer, just let me get my saddle off it.. :lol:

Actually ..I wouldn't do anything to upset or hurt anyone..Sorry if I offended anyone..I'll just go back to growing my peppers. :halo:
No, geeme's assessment is accurate; the "joke" is sexist. Your response is typical of people who wish to defend their supposed right to demean others, rather than learn from a mistake.
This deer hunter, Decided to take her husband hunting for the first time as he was constantly begging her to take him..She finally did. They got into the woods she put him up in his stand and went and got up in hers. A few minutes had passed and she heard a gun shot "BOOM BOOM" She knew it was him shooting and went to help him , on her way there she heard these voices back and forth arguing when she arrived there was a woman standing there fussing with her husband..The woman said look man, you can have your deer, just let me get my saddle off it.. :lol:

Actually ..I wouldn't do anything to upset or hurt anyone..Sorry if I offended anyone..I'll just go back to growing my peppers. :halo:

It's sad some people have springs wound so tight they find offense in just about everything, I get it :crazy:. I'm offended, I copied the joke and posted it on FB, so far no PC Nazis have surfaced, give it time I'm sure somebody will be offended . :banghead: :censored:.