One more time OFFER CLOSED

The Winners

Newest member - Captain Capsaicin As the good captain has respectfully declined JDSteinmetz is now the newest member

Lowest post - JDSteinmetz As JD has become the newest member Marketwatcher is now the low poster

Most appealing to a 13 year old girl - Bradly26

Congrats all
As elated as I am to win such an incredible assortment I'm going to pass it along to someone else. I won SS's auction and as such am about to receive a really nice assortment of fresh pods. To that end I believe that another member would probably appreciate the package more than I would.

I'd like to ask that the member who receives the package be an individual who would not just take it because it's a free give away but someone who would really cherish the opportunity to enjoy such an awesome selection of pods and seeds.

Thanks so much for posting such amazingly generous offers!
The first box will go to the newest member who posts here. Members joining after the time of this post are not eligible.


I'll try for the newest member. My avatar isn't cute, but it's fire-y.

Cerberus, the offer is now closed. He posted the winners a few posts up this page. I'd keep your spirits up, though, since harvest time is still happening for some members, and more similar offers may be cropping up in the near future.
Just got home after a long day to find a box of fresh hot peppers waiting for me :). I would like to thank Chad S for generously sharing some of his great looking peppers. I can not wait to try them all!
