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Only reaper plants yellowing

I have several hot and super hot varieties growing in 5 gal planters. They were all doing well until my reapers started getting yellow leaves. Some leaves are dropping aswell. It has been much cooler lately now that it is late September but the others at still doing well. They have been growing in identical conditions. Why would my reapers be affected more so? There are several green pods left on them and want to see them mature. Any assistance would be great. Thanks!
I'm down here in Delaware and a few of my super hots are doing the same thing as the weather gets cooler. Some leaves yellowing and dropping just like the trees. My reapers didn't set til late summer so I have quite a few I'm waiting on as well. My super hots do this every year when the weather gets cooler especially at night and all 33 of my plants are grown in containers like yours.
Thanks for the reply Scorched. It's strange that it's just the reapers dropping leaves. My pods came in real late to. Most are still green but turning quick. Hopefully they all have a chance to turn.
Have you had a lot of rain? We tend to get very rainy weather in both the spring and fall here, and it's enough to cause yellowing (and lower production.) I grow in pots and move them into my garage when it rains too much (leaving the garage door open so they get light.)
My thoughts on this subject is weather and light.  The light during the days is getting noticeably shorter day after day.  Cooler night time temps are setting in.  Could also be that your plant is getting rootbound in 5 gal buckets.  It seems to happen to my plants every year as well.  
I'll do my best to get some pics up. Never posted pics here before. Not sure how to do it yet lol.
As far as the rain goes, it's actually been pretty dry. I water only when they look like they need it...