Oops I Did It Again

Just a little update for you all.  As I am a zone 3 grower, living just east of Winnipeg, we were unfortunate to get hit by a fairly heavy frost last night.  So, I got up early and went to water my plants to save them, only to find my garden hose and sprinkler frozen as well!  So I thought I would just have to wait and see what happens.  So upon getting home, I took a peek and was sickened to my stomach.  Yep, lost 95% of this years plants.  Even the ones under shelter in the raised bed were done, well, most as I was able to salvage 3 plants, of which I will try potting in pails this week to overwinter hopefully.  One is my Reaper, and IF it pulls through, my Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw.  Anyways, I harvested all pods that were attached, ripe or not.  They were all given a bath, dried, and now sitting in a laundry basket outside in my garage.  Gotta pick up a cardboard box and a banana tomorrow to salvage what I can.  But, this is where it gets interesting.....
So I get my better half and tell her to do something with her Hungarian Wax peppers.  So she is going to stuff some and pickle the rest.  And as I am down here, I hear her screaming my name?  Why would she do that.  So I respond to the 'tone' I hear upstairs and all I can make out is 'What can I do to stop my nose from burning?'.  Apparently rub it was not the answer. :rolleyes:   So I tell her to put some sour cream, yogurt, or even cottage cheese on her nose.  I wait a minute then proceed upstairs to get an action shot to share with you all, but it was all over by then.  There was going to be NO pictures taken...  Not my idea, as mine was to take them.  Anyways, I just wanted to share what kind of day I had today.  Wishing the rest of you all a better fall than mine, as well as a better harvest.  Thanks for reading.
This stuff is a learning experience, and again I learned this year.  The actual harvest was decent anyways, just that the pods did not all have a chance at ripening on the vine.