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Opinions for a new grower?

I bought this plant about a week ago and i have no idea how old it is but i was just wondering if yall think it looks good or yall have any opinions on it. I am trying to get a bigger pot to put it in cause i know that little thing will not do. it has perked up since i got it from home depot and started new growth at the top.

Jalapeno (only one cause my wife wouldn't let me get anymore :(


Hard to say. Jalapenos grow quickly so probably isnt that old.
when you buy from a nursery they usually don't give a lot of individual attention. Some nuits will perk it right up.
I bought this plant about a week ago and i have no idea how old it is but i was just wondering if yall think it looks good or yall have any opinions on it. I am trying to get a bigger pot to put it in cause i know that little thing will not do. it has perked up since i got it from home depot and started new growth at the top.

Jalapeno (only one cause my wife wouldn't let me get anymore :(

I think it look OK. a little light in color, maybe some nitro.

One! thats a shame :( it needs a Friend for sure.:)


Looks alright to me. But yes, Home Depot or other department style nurseries don't do a whole lot past watering them. Just water it with a little water-soluble fertilizer and you should see some nice improvement.

I suggest going back to the store and getting a few more plants! Lure the wife in with a tomato and strike with a habanero or cayenne. That's how I got started!
Yeah - a little nitrogen... Just a little. Don't fry the guy in that small pot.

And go get 1 more and put in another pot. :-) The best looking peppers I have ever grown were in 3 gallon pots.
One? One poor little lonely, fragile, scared, nervous Jalapeno pepper plant. I'm so depressed. Poor thing. Good luck with the plant and better luck with the wife.
If my wife said, it's me or the pepper plants, I would really have to say, it's been nice knowing you...
If my wife said, it's me or the pepper plants, I would really have to say, it's been nice knowing you...

Lol, I'd have to agree. It's weird that a wife would be so restrictive of pepper plants. Especially if they're outside... What could be the problem?
My girlfriend is so great that she said, when I get surgery she will take care of my plants for me. I can just stand there and tell her what to do... ah... life is great!
Must love the beef. Being in Tx I guess it's understandable. But you have to pick up the flavor occasionally. And veggies are good for you.
Rule #1, spouses are not allowed input on the other's hobby unless it's costing too much money or taking up too much space.

Rule #2, with the small stuff it's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission (buy a few more varieties and don't even mention them ?)

Otherwise that Jalapeno looks fine enough to me, but it will need to be potted up soon because that container is too small. The bigger the pot, the bigger the plant and harvest. My rule is 5 gallons minimum and 7.5 gallons or larger is preferred (buckets).

Good luck with your new hobby, it's quite addicting, and don't worry, wifey will come around when she realizes how much you're enjoying it.
it needs a friend or 10.

I have the same principle with Jetchuka, spouse should not meddle in one another's hobbies, esp the budget allocated for that hobby.

Luckily, i have a very understanding spouse, its just that i dont understand her obsession with shoes.
Yeah i am going to pot up just havent found the right pot yet...and yeah the wife is starting to come around to it now that she knows im passionate about something other then cars and xbox
My wife says plants are not important...I was lucky to even get the one I got....how lucky am I =/

What one should express to her is the innocent pleasure one gets from gardening. The pride you get to feel when you see them grow tall and strong. And the happiness you feel when you get to pull fruit from something that you've grown and cared for and now get to reap the rewards of that care. Not to mention all of the practical knowledge that you assimilate as you're learning how to help your plants grow properly. It's relaxing, it's quiet and most of all, it's pretty hard to cat around when you're puttering in the back yard! :P

I'm lucky. I started last year with some habs, peters and Fresnos with mixed success. Then, this Christmas my g/f convinced her Mom to send me a bunch of seeds from THSC and she herself picked me up a germinator box with heating pad and thermostat. And even a couple clamp lights with some CFLs. All told about $100 and change and plenty to get 50 plants potted up and stable for this season. The biggest investment was the seeds. But the result was such a wonderful warm fuzzy that she wanted to embrace my hobby. And thats something else that might be worth mentioning to the wife. When they embrace one's small and innocent passions, it reaffirms the bonds of loyalty and comfort in the relationship. They don't have to participate or even understand. It's enough to get that pat on the head that it's fine to go be a kid and play in the dirt for a while.

P.S. It's not too late to have some "volunteer" peppers to "miraculously" pop up from some seeds that just happen to fall into some dirt and likely be harvestable come fall. :hell:
My wife says plants are not important...I was lucky to even get the one I got....

The wife or the plant?

... :cool:

Seriously, the solo jalapeno needs a few friends. Just sad there all alone. Nobody to help provide mutual support and shade when life gets tough in the hot hot Texas August. Get a clump going of at least three.

Tear out a little patch of those other plants...err...aka the lawn.